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Dakotas delegates share prayers

Ferris Beata

Lay delegate Beata Ferris. File photo.

Today was the first day of the 2019 Special Called General Conference and it was spent in prayer by attendees from around the world to center focus towards God. The Dakotas Conference delegates Beata Ferris and Reverend Rebecca Trefz would like to invite you into this journey of praying our way forward by sharing their prayers with you.

Lay delegate Beata Ferris:
"Holy Spirit, we pray that in this moment you would fill The Dome in St. Louis with your love and grace to overflowing so that in the days to come, when discussions and plenary become tense You would rain down on the GC delegates and witnesses to remind all why we are gathered and who it is who claims us. Remind us of our unity in worship, prayer, praise, and communion. Keep your love at the focus of the work of General Conference. In the name of The Christ. Amen."

Trefz Rebecca 2014

Clergy delegate Rev. Rebecca Trefz. File photo.

Clergy delegate Reverend Rebecca Trefz:
"Lord God, As this room at General Conference and your church around the world are filled with prayers today, may they also be filled with humble hearts. As we submit to your wisdom, may we be courageous enough to stand in the discomfort of cognitive dissonance—of not fully understanding or having all the answers--rather than retreating to our corners and echo chambers. And may the praises we sang today reverberate throughout our Conference and our churches as we commit to loving Jesus more deeply and letting him break and shape our hearts today and always. For it is in his name we pray, Amen."

We will continue to share this journey with you. Tomorrow our alternates Matt Bader and Reverend Roger Spahr will share their prayers with you to be one in Christ.


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