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Day 2 NCJ wrap-up: Digging into Lifting Every Voice

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas Conference

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Rev. Rebecca Trefz addresses the North Central Jurisdictional Conference. Photos by NCJ communicators.

On the second day of the North Central Jurisdictional Conference, attendees experienced inspiring worship, conducted business, engaged in learning about Lifting Every Voice, and received the Episcopal Address.

"What stood out most for me is the idea that we must practice love in order to show it to the world. We must listen and be a safe space as The United Methodist Church so that we can be the people known for our love," said Kara Heagel, Dakotas Conference lay delegate and head of the delegation.

LGBTQ+ delegates had breakfast with the NCJ College of Bishops on July 11 and said they felt relief when this year's General Conference rescinded the harmful language about LGBTQ+ people. "It gave me hope," one delegate said. "It took us 52 years to change this [restrictive language]. But it happened. Change is possible." Read an article.

Bishop Julius Trimble, Indiana Area, delivered the message at opening worship, focusing on living into the transformative power found in Jesus Christ, which changes lives and dismantles societal structures that bind people and keep them from their full humanity. We are not to be "mere historical spectators of the mighty works of the Holy Spirit through the apostles and the early believers" in the book of Acts, he said. Like Peter, we've received the "baton of greater works, including those of healing, restoration, reconciliation, and liberation." Read article and watch the video.

During the morning session, Dr. Ashley Boggan D., General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History, along with Rev. Paul Chilcote, an award-winning author and retired United Methodist minister and theological educator, led the time of reflection and asked, "What lessons can The United Methodist Church take from the history of the church moving forward?" Read more and view the session.

"The teaching sessions have been wonderful today! Paul Chilcote has been teaching us how to love," shared Kara Heagel. "In some ways, it's like I'm back in seminary classes with all the information and Wesley history we are learning."

In the afternoon sessions, Rev. Dr. Paul Chilcote provided learning around two topics: What to Teach: A Practical Theology of Love and How to Teach: Learning Through Spiritual Practices. Delegates also approved nominations to the United Methodist Boards and Agencies, NCJ Committees, NCJ Treasurer, and NCJ Secretary.  

Today, delegates were assigned to tables with people from different conferences. "At first, I was annoyed that I couldn't sit with my friends. But after sitting and talking with the women at my table, it has been a lot of fun to hear about their ministries and lives and make new connections," shared Kara Heagel.

“Spiritual warfare is real.” That’s how Bishop Frank Beard, president of the North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishop, began his Episcopal Address to the North Central Jurisdiction on Thursday afternoon. Drawing from 1 Samuel 17, he explained that there are four weapons the enemy uses against us in spiritual warfare—all of which show up in that story of David and Goliath, and all of which show up in our lives and churches today: fear, faking, failure, and finality (death). Read more.

Some of the youngest delegartes are from Ohio. While other teenagers are sleeping in or deep into video games, Landon Balmos-Ruddock and Nehemiah (Neha) Priebe are helping form United Methodist policy. Particularly, they want The United Methodist Church to live into a fully inclusive church where all are welcome and received into the church as beloved children of God. Landon (15) and Neha (16) are two of the 175 North Central Jurisdictional Conference delegates meeting in Sioux Falls. Read the article and view the video

Schedule for tomorrow:
9 – 9:30 a.m.   Opening Devotions
9:30 – noon     Business Session
     What to Do: A Community of Wide Embrace by Rev. Dr. Paul Chilcote
     Conversation and Response 
     Racial Audit Report

1:30-3 p.m. Business Session
     NCJ VIM Report
     Regionalization Education
     Speaker—Rev. Tyler Sit

3:30–Recognition of Retirement Service
          Bishop Julius C. Trimble and First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble, Indiana Area
          Bishop Gregory V. Palmer and First Lady Cynthia Palmer, West Ohio Area
          Bishop Dan Schwerin, Chicago Area, preaching

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