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Day 6: Luke 24:33-35 "On the Road"

This passage began with the disappointment and bewilderment
of Jesus’ followers, especially those two traveling
the road to Emmaus. We now move to the confirmation
of Jesus’ resurrection and the sharing of that good news
with the disciples of Jesus Christ.
In the passage, we see a sense of urgency. Although
it was evening, the two people traveled many miles back
to Jerusalem to meet the eleven disciples. Their encounter
with the risen Jesus was so overwhelming that they could
not wait even an hour. Because of their joy, distance did not
matter to them, and darkness did not cause them toOn hesitate.
This urgency to share the good news is the foundation of
our evangelism and the church’s mission. Nothing can stop
us from sharing the awakening experience of meeting our
risen Lord.
When the two arrive, they find the eleven disciples
gathered in one place. They also have experienced the
resurrected Christ: “The Lord has risen indeed, and he
has appeared to Simon!” We do not know whether Jesus
appeared to Simon before he appeared to the two people on
the road to Emmaus. The time of appearance is not important.
What matters most to them is the confirmation of Jesus’
resurrection. He was truly dead on the cross but was truly
risen as he had promised and as scripture had foretold.
Sharing their experience of encountering the risen Christ on
the road to Emmaus becomes the model for the church’s life,
and the awakening experience at the breaking of the bread
gives added meaning to the Lord’s Supper in the life of our
By Jung Young Lee from The Upper Room: 60 Days of Prayer for General Conference 2016


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