Rev. Rebecca Trefz and Jeff Pospisil lead the Pre-Conference Gatherings. Dakotas Conference photos.
Registered delegates to the twenty-eighth session of the Dakotas Annual Conference spent time learning about various legislation they will be considering at the business sessions happening on June 11, 2021, at one of the four Pre-Conference Gathering sessions held on May 20, 22, 23, and 26.
The Dakotas Conference Session Committee invites you to attend the June 11-12 event happening in a hybrid format. The hybrid format will feature an opportunity to gather for business in-person on Friday, June 11, 2021, at one of these four locations: First United Methodist Church, Fargo, North Dakota, McCabe United Methodist Church, Bismarck, North Dakota, First United Methodist Church, Rapid City, South Dakota, and the Sioux Falls Convention Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The Sioux Falls Convention Center will serve as the broadcast site, with all speakers and videos being broadcast to the three other locations. The agenda for Friday will focus on business, with voting taking place at each location. View the schedule.
Jeff Pospisil, who serves as the Executive Director for Finance and Administration and the treasurer for the Dakotas Conference, moderated the session with Rev. Rebecca Trefz, who serves as the Southeast District's superintendent the Executive Director of Ministries for the Dakotas Conference. Pospisil and Trefz guided participants through presentations including the 2022 Budget Proposal, a report from the Board of Pensions, items on the Consent Calendar, a report from the Committee on Nominations, and an overview of the two proposed resolutions.
Here is an overview of each of the presentations:
2022 Budget Proposal:In the 2022 Budget Proposal, an apportioned budget of $3,322,451 is recommended. This is a 6.3% decrease from 2021. This recommendation also includes reducing the apportionment in 2022 to 15%. To reduce the percentage, the plan is to draw up to $250,000 from the Transitional Reserve Fund (currently valued at $1.4 million). This use of the Transitional Reserve Fund would need to be approved by the Common Table, the Board of Pensions, and the Council on Finance and Administration (CFA). View an overview of the 2022 Budget Proposal.
Board of Pensions Report:This year, gifts will be distributed from the Board of Pensions to the Central Conference Pension Initiative, Alaska Missionary Conference, Camping and Retreat Ministries for all staff pension and health costs for 2021, Dakotas Conference for staff pension and health costs for 2021, and to clergy and their families for a two-week retreat at one of the Dakotas camps. Churches, clergy, and lay employees will receive HealthFlex and pension rebates for 2019 and 2020. Beginning in 2022 health insurance for clergy who serve three-fourths time will be available. Also, health insurance will no longer be mandatory for clergy that meet the specific opt-out criteria. Watch the Board of Pensions Report.
Consent Calendar: Each year, the body of the annual conference approves the cabinet resolutions, equitable compensation, housing allowances, and affirms the reports of the boards, committees, and agencies. Watch a video regarding the 2021 Consent Calendar.
Nominations Report:The Committee on Nominations prepares a slate of nominations that is voted on at the annual conference. The Nominations Report includes persons who are serving on conference, district, and related agency committees and boards. View the Nominations Report.
Resolutions proposed:Two resolutions are proposed for the 2021 Annual Conference to consider. Rev. Duane Coates, a member of the Dakotas Conference Committee on Resolutions and Petitions, presents the two resolutions submitted for discussion and voting at the 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference during Plenary Session III, June 11, 2021, beginning at 1:30 p.m. CDT, 12:30 p.m. MDT. Watch the overview.
Here is a list of the questions that were asked and their responses. View Q & A
Read all of the legislation in detail in the 2021 Conference Workbook.
View the May 26 session of the Pre-Conference Gatherings.
View all of the Pre-Conference Gathering videos.
If you have questions about any of the reports or items presented at the Pre- Gatherings, please contact the following individuals for the areas or topics listed:
AC AGENDA: Rebecca Trefz,
BUDGET: Jeff Pospisil,
PENSIONS: Leana Stunes,
TECHNOLGY, MEDIA: Doreen Gosmire,