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Ephesians 2:17-22 "Ministry of Peace"

Yesterday’s devotion told the story of Jean Claude, who announced the good news of peace with a simple handshake, a witness that continues to give life and inspire people some 30 years after it happened.

Imagine if we all had such eyes. What would it be like to have the courage to see the person instead of the barrier? To see in someone the possibility for friendship instead of fear?

Paul makes it clear: we are no longer strangers or aliens to each other; we are fellow citizens with God’s people; we belong to God’s household; we are built into the temple of God, where Jesus is our foundation and God’s spirit dwells within us. Hallelujah!

But… if only it were that easy. The amount of violence around the world is evidence of how difficult it is to live the oneness of humankind pictured in Ephesians 2. Or perhaps we see the violence as evidence that we should not to believe that picture.

Do you believe it? Do you need help believing it?

by Tim Moore from


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