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Exploration 2017 explored

Story and photos from Deb Kjerstad, director of Leadership Development

“Vocation is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.”
-From Wishful Thinking by Frederick Buechner

Portland, OR – Exploration 2017 is over, but the discernment process for one group is now in full swing. Exploration 2017 was an opportunity for young adults to listen, discern and respond to God’s call to ministry and to explore their gifts for service in the UMC.

Our group of attendees from the Dakotas Conference were Adam Else, Spearfish UMC; Ramse Kruckenberg, Bismarck Legacy UMC; Halli Holt, Sturgis UMC; Zona Hairgrove, Spearfish UMC; Kara Togel, Watertown First UMC; Tiffany Ortman, Canistota UMC; Chelsey Schmeling, Brandon Celebration UMC; and Tanner Carlson, Bismarck Legacy UMC.

These young people attended because they were curious about what kind of ministry God is calling them into and what ministry is all about. They had time to sift through issues involving ordained vocation and also learn more about the many UM seminaries and theological schools across the country. 

“Exploration was an amazing experience that I will forever cherish,” recalled Chelsey Schmeling. “I learned a lot about becoming an Elder or Deacon and my calling to ministry. I'm very thankful I got this opportunity to just listen to God and meet new people who also feel called to ministry.”

Kara Togel, a 2017 Elisha Intern, said, “Exploration was a huge help in my discernment process. I went in with the mindset that I just wanted to visit with the seminaries and get an idea of where I would go in a few years. Through talking with my small group, meeting with recruiters and students from the seminaries, worshiping with hundreds of young adults, and attending small groups, I kept coming back to the questions of "why wait?" and "why not attend seminary in the fall?"

Exploration seeks to respond faithfully and effectively to the global church's focus on increasing the number of young clergy in our denomination by creating sacred space to challenge the most gifted and promising young people of our denomination to hear God’s call to ministry. Those young adults had time to participate in meaningful fellowship, passionate worship, theological reflection and practical workshops to support the discernment process and what faithful next steps they can take in response.

“Exploration changed the way I look at my own life and what God’s call looks like for me, said Halli Holt of Sturgis. “My heart is wide open, and I can’t wait to see what God fills it with. I spent a weekend serving a merciful, graceful and loving God alongside some of the most awesome people I’ve come to know. I am proud to be a United Methodist!”

Adam Else of Spearfish was grateful for the experience, and the people of the Dakotas Conference who helped him make the trip, saying, “I was able to grow closer to God, experience His love, all while meeting tons of new people who all share the same faith I do. Thank you so much for sending me!”

Even a person who's completed an Elisha Internship grew in her understanding of Christian leadership. Tiffany Ortman, a 2017 Elisha intern, said, “My major takeaway was that churches don’t want a perfect leader, but someone who is open to relationship as we all follow Jesus together.”

The students were accompanied by Rev. Theta Miller, registrar for the Board of Ordained Ministry, and Deb Kjerstad, director of Leadership Development for the Dakotas Conference. Both were humbled and grateful for the time spent with such incredible young adults. They were impressed with the diversity of experiences within this group from the Dakotas Conference.

Tanner Carlson, of Bismarck, said it was, "Really inspiring to connect with people from all across the US who share a passion for God and our church. It gave me hope for the future in a time of uncertainty.”

Zona Hairgrove said she learned at Exploration how important it is to be herself, and that God will use her “just as I am.”
“It was amazing to be there with hundreds of Christians all worshipping and serving the same God,” added Ramse Kruckenberg of Bismarck Legacy.

“To say, 'the doubts and questions I had about my calling to become an ordained Elder are gone' is an understatement," shared Kara Togel. “This is the first time I've gone to a conference or retreat and not wanted to stay longer to connect with people. By Sunday afternoon, I was ready to go back to South Dakota to tell everyone about my experience at Exploration. I am so excited for what is next in my life. My main takeaway is a quote from my small group leader. 'Make the right decision, then make the decision right.' Meaning make the decision that is best for you right now, then don't look back on the decision you made and live it to the fullest.”

If this amazing group of young people is any indication- the future of the UMC is in great hands!


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