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Galatians 6:7-10 Cause and effect—but God’s not always the cause

The phrase “everything happens for a reason” holds a half-truth. In this world, there IS some cause for every effect. But in When Christians Get It Wrong, Pastor Adam Hamilton wrote about “a theological assumption many Christians hold: Everything that happens is God’s will. It is not uncommon to hear people put it this way: ‘Everything happens for a reason.’” That is not Biblical. Some bad effects, like severe storms, are just “the way life works.” Galatians noted that in other cases our choices, not God’s acts, cause bad effects.

  • In the first part of Galatians 6, Paul talked about relationships, about ways the Galatian Christians could help and bless one another. In other words, he talked about choices we control, not natural disasters (e.g. tornadoes or earthquakes) or diseases nobody “sowed.” When have you seen your choices, or those of someone close to you, “sow” one or more negative effects? Were those effects God’s doing?
  • Our choices can cause good effects, too. But verse 9 said doing good takes focused effort. “The first verb puts emphasis on losing interest (for example, “spiritless”) and the second on becoming discouraged or relaxing one’s efforts” (UBS Translator’s Handbook on Galatians). Have you ever gotten tired of doing good? If so, what helped renew your energy to bless others?


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