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GC 2020: Study resources for the local church

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Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash.

Here are some resources for local churches to help with a conversation regarding the The United Methodist Church’s position on ordaining LGBTQ clergy and officiating at or hosting same-sex marriage. The following list of books and DVD series, descriptions and links was compiled by Mainstream UMC.

Rev. Rob Fuquay has a six-session video resource, “Faithful and Inclusive: The Bible, Sexuality, and the United Methodist Church.” This study directly addresses the current climate in the UMC. Faithful and Inclusive allows you to gain an understanding of how United Methodists can be both obedient to God’s Word and fully welcoming of LGBTQ persons in the church. There is a promo video and a Leader Guide. For more information go to:

United Methodist Scholars for an Inclusive Church. Here is a great group of videos for the local church, each is about 15 minutes long. This group is composed of a diversity of scholars from around the connection. The views expressed in each video represent their own personal views and are not necessarily reflective of the views of others or the group as a whole. Here is a link

Rev. Dr. Stan Copeland and Rev. Scott GillilandTogether: United Methodists of the Temple, Tabernacle and Table. This book addresses the current impasse within the UMC. Together recognizes the long-standing theological and sociopolitical diversity within United Methodism as Traditionalists (Templers) and Progressives (Tabernaclers), but we all gather around a long, broad Table that the Lord sets, and to which He invites ALL of us to feast. For more information go to:

Rev. Adam Hamilton has a helpful book entitled: Making Sense of the Bible, Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today.  This study is not specific to homosexuality but takes a larger look at the Bible generally. This book also has a companion DVD, designed for group use, featuring Adam Hamilton discussing his ideas in six sessions. Download a free Leader Guide containing everything needed to guide your group through the study, including session plans, discussion questions, and multiple format options. You can find both the book and the DVD series here:

Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr has helpful book “Embracing the Wideness.”  Bishop Carter is the UM Bishop in Florida and the President of the Council of Bishops. His book shows that a generous orthodoxy is possible for the United Methodist Church because scripture supports both a confessing movement and a reconciling movement.  This book can be used in a 4-week study. Here is a link:

Bishop Gene Robinson has a book, “God Believes in Love; Straight Talk About Gay Marriage.” He is the Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church, the first openly gay person elected to the episcopate and a leading religious spokesperson for gay rights and gay marriage—a groundbreaking book that persuasively makes the case for same-sex marriage using a commonsense, reasoned, religious argument. This can be used as a book study of 4-6 weeks depending on your group. Here is a link:

Co-Authors Rev. Lee Johnson and Dr. Barbara Lukert, MD. Rev. Johnson has been in ministry for more than 30 years and is an ordained Elder in the Great Plains Annual Conference. Dr. Lukert is Professor of Medicine Emerita at the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City, Kansas. She practiced Endocrinology at the university for over 30 years. They have written a compelling article about the scientific and biological facts about sexual orientation and gender. You can read this here:

Rev. Adolf Hansen has a book, “Is It Time: Helping Laity and Clergy Discuss homosexuality One Question at a Time.” Rev. Hansen is Theologian in Residence, St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis, and Senior Scholar and Vice President Emeritus, Garett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Here is a link to his book:

This list was compiled by Mainstream UMC. If you are aware of others, please email them to with a subject line “Church Resources” so we can keep the list active on our website. This list can be found online at:


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