Guests are welcomed at Iglesia Renuevo at Downtown First UMC in Mitchell. Photos by Doreen Gosmire.
Music, clapping, dancing, and praising Jesus were all part of the scene at Downtown First United Methodist Church in Mitchell, South Dakota. Sunday worship happens each week at the church, but this is the first time it has happened in Spanish.
"We are excited to launch a whole new worshipping community," said Pastor Keith Nelson, who serves at Downtown First UMC. "We may not understand everything said or the words being sung, but we know that they love Jesus. We are excited to allow people to worship the Lord and grow in their faith."
After months of discussion and planning, the new worshipping community has a home at Downtown First UMC. Pastor Herman Perez and Pastor Keith Nelson have been preparing the way.
Pastor Hermon serves as a leader for three Hispanic worshipping communities at Sunnycrest UMC in Sioux Falls, Plankinton UMC, and now at Downtown First UMC in Mitchell.
Sunnycrest UMC launched a Hispanic worshipping community in 2019. The worship service has blossomed into an evangelistic multi-cultural ministry.
The leadership team at Sunnycrest UMC prayed about inviting new, diverse people to know Jesus. Then one day, Pastor Herman Perez walked in the door. He asked Pastor Charlie Moore, who serves at Sunnycrest UMC, to find a home for a worship service for the Hispanic community in Sioux Falls at Sunnycrest.
"Our church is looking and feeling different," says Pastor Moore. "On our walls, you will find the word Bienvenido, or 'welcome' in Spanish."
Perez is a native of Puerto Rico. He was a professional traveling musician, and in 1984, he accepted Jesus Christ. He is married and spent a lot of his musical career on the west coast. Perez spent a few years in Central America and 14 years in Mexico as a missionary. He then was called to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to start a Hispanic church.
That new opportunity in Sioux Falls did not lead to a fruitful ministry for Pastor Herman and his wife. So the couple started praying and looking around for where God was leading them. Finally, they landed at Sunnycrest UMC.
The next stop was the United Methodist Church in Plankinton, South Dakota. Each week Perez travels to Plankinton, South Dakota. He leads worship, meets people, makes connections, and builds relationships.
Perez is continually supported in ministry by those he connects with at Sunnycrest and in Plankinton. Earlier this month, singers and members of the worshipping communities in Sioux Falls and Plankinton traveled to Mitchell to be part of this first worship service.
"We give thanks to God for all of the support and to each of you for being here today," said Pastor Herman.
Rev. Ben Ingebretson, the director for new church development for the Dakotas-Minnesota Area of The United Methodist Church, walks alongside Pastors Herman Perez and Keith Nelson. "The support is wonderful. We can do so much more together," said Perez. "I thank the people of Mithell and Pastor Keith."
The children connect during children's church at Iglesia Renuevo in Mitchell.
Work opportunities in the Mitchell area have led people from their native countries to the community. Many people work in construction and the agricultural industry. People have come from poverty to build a better life.
"To have the chance to connect with others. To praise the Lord means so much. Hallelujah," said Pastor Herman during the worship service.
Nelson hopes that the connection between Downtown First UMC and Iglesia Renuevo will grow. "Right now, we provide a space for the ministry," said Pastor Keith. "We hope to grow our connection. Perhaps we can have a bilingual service or a mission project together."
Pastor Herman assisted those who were in attendance that were non-Spanish speakers by providing English translations as much as possible. The powerful worship service was full of praise for God that needed no interpretation.