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Invitation and challenge: Lessons in discipleship

“In the journey of discipleship, we as leaders, tend to be invitational or challenging. We have to learn how to calibrate.” Gina Mueller, trainer for 3D Movements, recently shared how we as leaders are called to make disciples like Jesus did.  Mueller presented one of the five Lead Expectantly talks at the 2017 Fall Leadership gathering held at Pierre First UMC, September 22-23.

Mueller outlined a model of discipleship. “How do we imitate the life and culture of Jesus? It is about culture and relationship,” said Mueller.  She encouraged every church to ask two questions: What is my process for making disciples? Is it working?

The calibration between invitation and challenge is what Mueller states make effective disciples.  “Jesus was an expert at calibrating challenge and invitation. Jesus created kingdom producers rather than spiritual consumers,” stated Mueller.

Mueller outlined a matrix to help leaders lead like Jesus and produce the kind of disciples that Jesus did. The matrix included high invitation, high challenge; high invitation, low challenge; high challenge, low invitation; low invitation, low challenge.

Watch the video below of the presentation for more information. Contact Muller by e-mail  or learn more at

LEAD 2: Gina Mueller - "Invitation and Challenge" from Dakotas UMC on Vimeo.


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