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Jeremiah 8:18 – 9:1

In their Old Testament Survey, the scholars LaSor, Hubbard and Bush wrote that “Jeremiah’s
agony mirrors the agony of Yahweh at his rejection by Judah.” Neither Jeremiah nor God wanted
to see Babylon crush Judah. Even the strongest words of judgment came from a heart that wept
over Israel’s stubborn refusal to repent.

  •  In Romans 9:2-3, Paul spoke like Jeremiah: “I have great sorrow… in my heart…I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people…the people of Israel.” How did Jeremiah and Paul develop God’s compassion toward those who opposed them, rather than scorn or hatred? How can you grow more like them?
  • Gilead was famous for plants that were made into medicinal salves and balms (see Genesis 37:25). Hence Jeremiah’s expression “balm in Gilead” (not “bomb” in Gilead, though people sometimes hear it that way!). In what ways has God’s presence been a healing balm in your life? In what areas do you wish for God’s healing touch?


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