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Luke 22:1-30 Jesus re-imagined the Passover

The annual Passover meal (part of the weeklong Festival of Unleavened Bread) reminded Hebrews of God’s great act rescuing them from Egypt (cf. Exodus 12:1-18). It was their defining story. When Jesus and his disciples shared the Passover meal, with the cross just ahead, Jesus added meaning to the meal. He said that, from that time on, the bread and wine would point to his even greater act of deliverance in dying and rising again.

  • The Passover pointed to God’s great act in the past. When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, it didn’t just recall the cross, but also pointed forward. The CEB Study Bible notes that “until it is fulfilled” (verse 16) “is a promise to Luke’s readers that the kingdom truly will come.” Do you trust that God’s promises are not just empty “church talk,” but offer a future you can count on? How can taking part in Communion reinforce your trust and hope?
  • Scholar William Barclay noted of verse 10 that in Jesus’ day, “A man carrying a jar of water would be as easy to pick out as, say, a man using a lady’s umbrella on a wet day. This was a pre-arranged signal.” Jesus made careful preparations for this important meal. In what ways can you intentionally prepare your heart to get the most out of being with Jesus in worship this Easter?


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