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Meet Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, future Northeast District Superintendent

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

Mutzenberger Kris Web

Rev. Kris Mutzenberger preaching at Dakotas Annual Conference worship in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in June 2018.

“I have never let go of the idea of being a pastor and serving the church,” says Rev. Kris Mutzenberger.

Mutzenberger, who currently serves as the Pastor of Discipleship at First United Methodist Church in Fargo, North Dakota, will become the superintendent for the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference.

Pastor Kris grew up in Owatonna, Minnesota. Faith has always been a part of her life. “I never felt like I should be doing something else. I like hanging around the church.” 

As a middle school student, she would walk to the church after school and practice her French horn. Her female pastor, at the time, modeled leadership and spirituality. She invited Kris to be on committees, and help with the youth group. 

“I remember that she directly asked me, ‘Have you ever considered being a pastor?’  I did not let go of that idea. People would ask what I was going to do. I never really said anything, but I kept the idea of being a pastor in the back of my mind.”

Mutzenberger attended Dakota Wesleyan University and leaned into her calling. “I did not have a car on campus. So, I got involved in student ministry, missions work, and connected with people who would later become my ministry colleagues.”

During her university years, DWU Mutzenberger felt a strong call to ministry. She attended Exploration. “You are surrounded by all of these people that are thinking about their call. It is so affirming to know that there are people just like you,” says Mutzenberger.

While a student at DWU, Mutzenberger served as a student pastor at the United Methodist Church in Artesian, South Dakota.

“Howard Grinager, who served as the district superintendent, encouraged me as I served in Artesian. It was a great experience to find out what ministry was really like,” she says.

Pastor Kris and her husband Ryan attended United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. “We chose the seminary because of the focus on preparing pastors. There was also an emphasis on an immersion experience. We traveled to Russia for a two-week experience,” she said.

Mutzenberger Youth Worker Award

Rev. Kris Mutzenberger receives the Youth Worker Hall of Fame award at the 2017 Dakotas Annual Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota.

She worked at United Methodist camps in Minnesota and the Dakotas throughout her college and seminary years. “Camp has supported and nurtured my call,” says Pastor Kris.

In 2003, after being commissioned, she was appointed to serve at the United Methodist Church in Britton, South Dakota. Her husband, Ryan, served the neighboring congregations of Hecla and Claremont, South Dakota.

Reverends Ryan and Kris Mutzenberger accepted a call to serve as a ministry team at the United Methodist Church in Madison, South Dakota, in 2008.

The clergy couple moved to serve Sunnycrest United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in 2011. In 2016, they were appointed to serve at First UMC in Fargo, North Dakota.

“My faith has grown in every appointment. There is always something new, something that is challenging. I have never stopped growing and knowing that this is where God wants me,” says Mutzenberger.

She is grateful for the many leadership committees, task forces, and opportunities that have come her way through the Dakotas Conference. Mutzenberger anticipates that as a district superintendent, she will grow in faith and leadership.

“I am excited to help people become the best they can be. I will work to see people succeed. I hope to empower our laypeople,” says Pastor Kris.

The United Methodist Church is in liminal time. Mutzenberger sees her role is to keep people connected and in conversation. “I am praying for grace. Whatever happens, we must value ministry– different perspectives. We need to be gracious, honor one another, and respect who we are as human beings. Prayer matters in this work.”

When her appointment as Northeast District Superintendent begins on July 1, Mutzenberger will continue to live in West Fargo, North Dakota, with Ryan and her two children, Anna, a high school student, and Noah, a middle school student. Her husband, Rev. Ryan Mutzenberger, will continue to serve as the lead pastor at First UMC in Fargo.


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