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Mike and Libby Flowers exemplify servant leadership

The Harry Denman Evangelism Award is given to those who embody the same passion for sharing Christ with others that Dr. Denman displayed in his life.  Mike and Libby Flowers, Spirit Lake Ministry Center and  2015 Denman Award recipeints certainly have the passion and have much to teach all of us about living out our faith in our everyday lives. 

Photo:  Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area presents the 2015 Harry Denman Evangelism Award for laity to Mike and Libby Flowers of the Spirit Lake Ministry Center.

In the Dakotas Conference there are a number of individuals who exemplify “Servant-Leadership,” but none more highly than Mike and Libby Flowers in their work at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center.  Mike and Libby were happily enjoying life in Fargo, North Dakota a number of years ago when Mike received a “God nudge,” as he calls it that told him there was a new “ministry” adventure in their future.  It was shortly after this that they learned of the opening and the need with Children of the Harvest Ministry on the Spirit Lake Reservation, south of Devils Lake, North Dakota.  Mike and Libby accepted the call to serve there in 2007, with Mike taking the step to become a Licensed Local pastor in 2011.

Both Mike and Libby have the special gift of being able to meet, accept and connect with people wherever they may be in their journey through life.  This is what has endeared them to the people they serve at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center, they simply offer the love of Christ by being the hands, feet, and arms of Jesus to those they meet.  Mike has said their approach is to not get involved in the political issues of the area; they are simply there to be the light of Christ. 

Through the many work teams that come to the Spirit Lake Ministry Center to help with building projects, Mike and Libby have touched the lives of so many families.  Mike is just as likely to be playing with the children, or visiting with the adults, as he is swinging a hammer when they are out on a work project.  But it is all seen as ministry and an opportunity to touch people with the love of God.

Mike and Libby are strong in their Christian faith and see most interactions as an opportunity to share the gospel message, not necessarily with words but through their actions and their love. This is truly an effective means of evangelism for the setting in which the live and work.  Mike tried to start a regular prayer and study group over a year ago, a forerunner to developing a worshipping community.  However, the timing wasn’t right and a long term group didn’t materialize. 

However, that vision of a worshipping and discipling community on the reservation didn’t die with that set back.  They began having a number of youth gatherings with more than 3 dozen youth attending. In recent months Mike and Libby have taken a new approach in how to connect with people of all ages. People are now gathering for food, fellowship and faith discussion.  In these situations they have had more and more conversations that have centered on spiritual issues and needs.  Through it all they are pointing people to Jesus.  After a recent gathering, one of the attendees approached them and asked, “when are your church services and how can I join?”  This was yet another sign of years of Gospel “seed-planting” beginning to bear fruit.

If you want to see Mike and Libby light up, just ask them what they have going on at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center.  There is  a great vision for “loving on” more people, growing their ministry, continuing to develop a worshipping community, and expanding God’s Kingdom through their work at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center.  


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000