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NCAA tournament bracket becomes Hymn Hysteria

Gettysburg, South Dakota – Sixty-four brackets several rounds of voting and you have a winner!  Rev. Jeff Adel, Wheatland UMC introduced a different type of tournament to his church, “Hymn Hysteria.” 

“We need to have fun in our churches,” stated Adel.  So Rev. Adel went online and found a list of the 100 most popular hymns.  He then tossed out those that were not in the United Methodist Hymnal.  Sixty-four hymns were listed in face-to-face, duels.  Each Sunday church attendees vote on four of the brackets or duels. 

The list is down to the top 32.  Voting continues each Sunday.  On Easter Sunday the congregation will select “The Sweet Sixteen”. 

Church attendance and interest has peaked.  People must be present to vote.  Votes are collected each Sunday and tabulated on Monday. 

Here are the results from March 11, 2013:

Amazing Grace defeats Blessed Assurance, 60-18.
Precious Lord, Take My Hand defeats His Name Is Wonderful, 42-35.
Because He Lives defeats Trust and Obey, 50-27.
He Leadeth Me defeats Onward, Christian Soldiers, 42-35.

This was the second round matchups for March 17, 2013:

Hymn of Promise v. Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior v. Stand Up For Jesus
He Touched Me v. This Is My Father's World
I Love to Tell the Story v. Rock of Ages

What happens when the “Final Four” are named?  “I plan to do a sermon series on our top picks, “ said Adel. 

Follow “Hymn Hysteria” on Facebook with the Wheatland Parish.


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