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Organ donation becomes passion and ministry for Ellingson

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

Mark Ellingson

Rev. Mark Ellington serves as the Clinical Hospital Coordinator in western North Dakota for Lifesource. Photos courtesy of Mark Ellington.

Everyone feels 2020 has been quite a year, and Rev. Mark Ellingson could not agree more. “The nation and the world have appropriately focused on the pandemic.  I see that, but just for me personally, other things have overshadowed even COVID-19,” says Ellingson.
In June, Ellingson was suddenly laid off from his job as Chaplain Manager at Altru Health System. “I was thrust into a new place for me – unemployment and wondering what to do next.,” he says.  

Ellingson’s ministry journey has taken him from leading local congregations in North Dakota at Bowbells, Kenmare, Donnybrook, Thompson, and Holmes, to chaplaincy with Altru Health System. 

“I love the work of hospital chaplaincy. I would have kept my job until I retired before this happened,” he says.

He grew up on a farm by Breckenridge, Minnesota, with faith as part of his life. Ellingson’s call to ministry was something that became obvious over time.

“I remember one of my Sunday School teachers, Mrs. Johnson, told me I should be a pastor because I could sing. I always had opportunities placed in my life to be a leader at church, in youth group, and at camp. I even preached in the pulpit of my local church,” says Rev. Ellingson. “My call did not come at one point and time. It was something that just happened through God’s guidance.” 

Leading a local congregation was rewarding for Ellingson, but chaplaincy work is a passion for him. Disaster relief ministry led him to chaplaincy. In 2007, a tornado came through the town of Northwood, North Dakota. He was serving the congregation at nearby Holmes. The town manager called Ellingson and asked if he could help with disaster relief as they dealt with losses and the cleanup. 

“I worked with people that were part of my congregation and those who were not parishioners. I discovered that I liked that kind of ministry,” says Ellingson.

So he began the process of completing the 400 hours of training to become a certified chaplain. Clinical Pastor Education— CPE training is about preparing for ministry with people who are not your parishioners for a specific length of time and purpose. He spent the next eight years in chaplaincy at Altru Health until his job was eliminated.

Ellingson Saulsbury

Rev. Mark Ellingson, right, sings some valentine music with friend and Altru's Music Therapist, Leslie Jane Saulsbury.

“The LifeSource representative to Altru sent me a text that she was heartbroken that I had been let go,” Ellingson says.  “ I responded with thanks, and then teased, 'Doesn’t LifeSource need a chaplain?'”  

Well, LifeSource was not looking for a chaplain specifically, but the position of Clinical Hospital Coordinator for western North Dakota was open.  After four interviews, Ellingson was offered that position.

“I accepted with graciousness and appreciation for the people skills and training that I bring in such things as grief, end-of-life, and family support,” he says. “The culture of Lifesource is extraordinary. They value the gift of life, and I can bring the idea that we have the gift of God into the culture and to organ donation.”

What is a Clinical Hospital Coordinator? Ellingson works with 32 hospitals across the western two-thirds of North Dakota to help hospitals and their staff support donations and families who lose a loved one. Specific duties include working on policies, providing education and training, and making connections.

United Methodist pastors throughout the Dakotas, especially the Northwest District, who are wondering about donations have the opportunity to reach out to Rev. Ellingson to learn more about organ donation and gain a deeper understanding.

Rev. Ellingson is appointed to Extension Ministry to Lifesouce, a Minneapolis company. Although his title is not chaplain, he is sought out by Lifesource for input on culture, grief, diversity, and resilience.

Ellingson says, “I feel blessed to have lost my job, in a sense. It has led me to live out my passion.” 


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