Children at Fusion Church engage in activities during worship. Photo by Doreen Gosmire.
"We love it when families join us. We want them always to feel comfortable. During worship, there is a space where children can sit and do some activities," said Liz Wieczorek, family pastor at Fusion Church in Mitchell, South Dakota.
Congregations throughout the Dakotas are introducing Pray-grounds in response to shifts and changes in today's church culture, such as parents desiring to have their young children in worship with them and parents not wishing to leave their child in a church nursery with someone else. Some congregations find that they do not have enough children to sustain a church nursery or a Sunday School program and understand the needs of children during worship.
A Pray-ground is a designated place in the sanctuary where young children can experience worship through age-appropriate materials and tools that will help keep them engaged in what is happening — materials such as children's Bibles and books, coloring and drawing materials, soft toys, Play-Doh, and manipulable objects like smooth stones, feathers, shells. These items are related to the scripture theme.
Children engaged in activities at the table at Grace UMC in Piedmont. Photo from Facebook.
Grace United Methodist Church in Piedmont, South Dakota, invites children and their parents to sit at tables in their sanctuary.
"We have tables set up in the sanctuary for families. At the tables, there are crayons and colored pencils, and that kind of stuff. It provides families with space for the kids," said Rev. John Britt, Grace UMC. "Four tables are set up on each side of the sanctuary."
Fusion and Grace have a children's message followed by Sunday School or children's church. After the children's message, preschool through elementary-age children leave the worship space for a time of learning through song, stories, and activities.
A children's choir at Grace UMC sings on the fourth Sunday of each month. Britt explains, "They come back early to the worship service on the fourth Sunday because they sing the last song in worship. An adult volunteer leads the children's choir and helps with our Monday after-school program. It is neat to have that engagement."
The learning time at Fusion begins with music, followed by gathering in three different age groups: preschool, early elementary—grades K-2, and older elementary—grades 3-5.
"Sometimes the age groups are large, and sometimes there are smaller. We adjust. Families are busy and come when it works," said Wieczorek. "We love our families and welcome them to anytime."
Here are some other congregations implementing the concept of Pray-grounds:
Canyon Lake United Methodist Church: In Rapid City, South Dakota, at Canyon Lake United Methodist Church, children can sit in the middle of the sanctuary during worship. Grace Space is an area inside the sanctuary where kids can play or get their wiggles out while remaining in worship and participating in that experience. Additionally, activity bags are available each week if children need some help getting their wiggles out during worship.
Flame of Faith United Methodist Church: Flame of Faith United Methodist Church in West Fargo, North Dakota, fuels ministry with families by reaching out to neurodivergent children. The education team and worshiping community at Flame of Faith UMC have worked to intentionally create a safe and welcoming space for neurodiversity in their community. They researched, asked questions, and implemented a plan to welcome people of all ages into their neurodiversity. They have visual worship cards and various sensory tools available and have set aside a quiet room for calming. Read more and watch a video.
The space for children at the United Church in Garretson. Photo from Facebook.
United Church of Garretson: Great ideas for families and children are being implemented at the United Church in Garretson, South Dakota. At their quarterly meeting, the United Kids Ministry Team discussed integrating children into worship by reading, ushering, etc. The congregation has already created a space for children's activities during worship. The team is looking at a way for kids to participate in the offering experience.
Madison United Methodist Church: The United Methodist Church in Madison, South Dakota, is undergoing significant repair and renovation. The congregation worships in its fellowship hall, where they sit at tables. Many families find that children enjoy sitting at the tables doing activities. Read more about Madison UMC's rennovation project.
"One of the bonuses of moving our worship into the fellowship hall while undergoing construction is that the families really enjoy having the tables to sit at. The kids have space to be kids and engage as they are able. We're talking about not putting a pew or two back in one area and buying some narrow tables to add to our sanctuary when we can have children gather during worship," said Rev. Peggy Hanson.
Vermillion First United Methodist Church: Efforts are underway at First United Methodist Church in Vermillion, South Dakota, to make families and children feel comfortable. Children can sit at activity tables in the back of the sanctuary. The tables were recently moved from the front to the back.
Children can go to this space during worship at Vermillion First UMC. Photo from Facebook.
"We expanded and moved to the back of our sanctuary (from the very front) this fall," said Rev. Jordan Mimmach. "It has been exceptionally well received. I heard from a few parents that they felt like they were being watched or that their kids had to be on their very best behavior when it was upfront. Now that it is in the back. The kids can be kids differently. We also plan to convert our old coat room, attached to the worship space, for nursing parents and a cry room. We hope to transform my current office into a family room with a stream of service and couches. The office is near our bathrooms," said Rev. Jordan Minnich Kjesbo.
Why start a Pray-Ground? Welcoming children and families to worship is important because it reinforces the idea that children are a vital part of the church community, encourages intergenerational connection, helps pass on faith traditions to the next generation, and aligns with biblical teachings about welcoming all people, including children, into the worship space; essentially, it demonstrates that the church values families and wants them to feel included and actively participate in worship.
Pastor John Britt shares the impact that he sees. "It's just neat to see how families have become engaged. When you provide opportunities for kids, it often draws the parents. It has been nice to see that as we've gotten to know kids in our after-school programs, they've become involved in Sunday mornings," he said.
Rev. Taryn Ragels, Fusion Church, shares that the pray-ground is here to stay. "We decided to switch to a play space in the worship space after the pandemic. It was a way to provide a family-friendly environment when we didn't have the ability to offer a nursery. After a while, we opened our nursery and found that the play space was more popular than the nursery! I love it! The space emphasizes the importance of all generations in worship. The kids remind us that being loud and free is a part of our worshipping community."
Pray-Ground Resources:
Passing On the Faith In the 21st Century: Why Intergenerational Ministry Is Critical to the Life & Health of Your Congregation, Debbie Gline Allen.
Is Church "Developmentally Appropriate" for Kids?, July 30, 2019, Christina Embree.
Children's Behavior In Worship: Does Your Congregation Have Reasonable Expectations? Sarah Bentley Allred.
'Praygrounds' encourage little children to come, April 2017, Cyrstal Caviness.