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Psalm 84:1-4, 10-12: My very being yearns for the Lord’s courtyards

The psalms were the hymnal, and the prayer book, of the Hebrew people. Psalm 84, like many others (cf. also e.g. Psalm 63:1-4), expressed delight and longing for time in God’s presence. Life’s high points, for this psalmist, involved meeting God in the Temple. In a charming observation, he noted that even birds like the sparrow and swallow showed a desire to be “beside your altars,” building nests in the Temple’s outdoor courts (verse 3).

  • The psalmist said to God, “Better is a single day in your courtyards than a thousand daysanywhere else!” (verse 10) What places or people most often serve as “God’s courtyards” for you (where you are most likely to meet God)? Where do those times, places or people rank on your list of favorites? What helps you to cherish and seek out opportunities to be in God’s presence?

  • Mark Twain once commented wryly that he couldn’t understand why Christians wanted to spend eternity in heaven when they could barely stand to spend one hour a week in church! How do you respond inwardly to being in God’s house? What choices in actions or attitudes might increase your delight in worship and praise?


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