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Rev. Matt Rawle offers a big challenge – Dakyouth 2024

By: Rev. Peggy Hanson, Rev. Melissa Gall, and Rev. Clay Lundberg | Dakotas CCYM | October 21, 2024


DakYouth 2024 attendees wrestled with what it means to navigate the crossroads of life and faith.(photo courtesy of Rev. Peggy Hanson)

“I made my granddaughter come because I was so excited to meet and hear Rev. Matt Rawle, he’s one of my favorite authors,” said Kay Daly a DakYouth adult from Groton United Methodist Church, South Dakota.

The three-day event began with a hilarious, spirit-filled show and testimony from Eddie and Tommy, The Skit Guys. Laughter was shared as Tommy imitated a preschool student, with his “no no square.” A stillness filled the air as the Skit Guys shared a powerful witness to God’s amazing grace, and that grace is available to each and every one of us. Eddie invited us into a time of reflection, and then Tommy shared a powerful prayer over the 150 participants.

Rev. Stephanie Eliason, from Canyon Lake United Methodist Church in Rapid City, opened Saturday morning through an inspiring message on change.

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The Skit Guys provided humor and wisdom for walking the road as a follower of Jesus.(photo courtesy of Rev. Peggy Hanson)

Youth and adult leaders from 26 Dakotas United Methodist churches gathered in Aberdeen, South Dakota, to explore the theme “Crossroads.”

Participants delved into the scripture passage Joshua 24:15: “as for me and my house…” - “WHO” and “we will serve the Lord.”- “HOW?” Rev. Matt Rawle, United Methodist pastor and author, challenged the youth to really seek to understand “who” their house is, and “how” they will serve the Lord. Rawle helped them to not only understand more about who they were as individuals, but also encouraged them to be curious, understand how they can add value, that they too can lead and innovate.

In addition to that, Rawle had them create two groups, one comprised of middle school students and one comprised of high school students. They created ideas of how they could apply what they learned at DakYouth beyond the event.

The middle school students will work on “Jesus Loves You and Your Mental Health”  and the high school students will work on “Be heard, Rise Up: Giving Voice to the Youth.” These ministries are being funded through a generous grant received from a partnership with the Dakotas-Minnesota Foundation and Pauer Sound. We hope to be able to share more about the progress of these projects at Annual Conference 2025!

When not participating in small and large group sessions with Rev. Rawle, students had the opportunity to choose between different workshops led by clergy and youth leaders from around the conference. Workshops included: exploring practical ways of prayer with Matthew Bader; spiritual stretching with Rev. Quaya Ackerman; games with Rev. Paul Lint; “Ask a Pastor” with Rev. Seth LaBounty; and making tie blankets with Andrea Plueddeman. The tie blankets are distributed between “Warm Blanket Hugs” in North Dakota and “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” in South Dakota.

Throughout the DakYouth event, youth workers were also able to connect, grow, and learn from Mark O (youth cartel). Through five different sessions, they learned important ministry tools, connected with one another, and had opportunities to for discussion – all for the purpose of better serving the youth of the Dakotas.

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Winona Avenue provided the worship leadership for DakYouth 2024 in Aberdeen, South Dakota.(photo courtesy of Rev. Peggy Hanson)

Musical group, Winona Avenue, enhanced our worship experiences and held a great concert on Saturday night, and even allowed CCYM member, and youth from Sturgis United Methodist Church, Camden Flemming, to jam out and play with them. David and Daniel Deputy of Winona Ave said they love coming to these events and being with the students. Because of the musicians they were able to meet and visit with when they were youth, they were inspired to do what they’re doing. They want to offer that same opportunity to youth that they meet.

The event concluded with Michelle Kroger from Bismarck McCabe United Methodist Church sharing a powerful message reminding us that when we’re at a Crossroad, we are never alone. God is with us on the journey and, as we “feel all the feels” when things don’t go as we had hoped, God is at work, God is with us, and God will guide us.


Next up: Winter Connection is an annual event for middle school and high school youth in Fargo, ND, Rapid City, SD, and Mitchell, SD, in January 24-25, 2025. This is an opportunity for youth to gather, share, worship, and serve others. Each year, there is a focus on a particular theme and scripture and a unique and important service component. Watch the website and social media channels for more info soon.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000