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Solid Foundations Growing Center serves families and Jesus

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

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The children who attend Solid Foundations Growing Center enjoyed lots of outdoor activities and stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photos courtesy of Solid Foundations' Facebook page.

Solid Foundations Growing Center, a childcare facility that is a ministry of First United Methodist Church in Jamestown, North Dakota, is serving about 30 families in a community desperate for childcare.

“The need for childcare is astonishing,” says Lindsey Voeltz, who serves as the director at Solid Foundations Growing Center and is a First UMC member.  “Even with our services and other facilities, only 56 % of the need is being met. So many families are looking for care. It is a wonderful ministry outreach for people to come in and out of the church.”

The COVID-19 pandemic caused the Center to close in March but the services continued by providing in-home care.

“When things amped up in March. We closed the doors to the Center but sent the caregivers to the families that needed it,” says Voeltz. “Ten staff provided services to children through a range of work hours. The workers would mask up and go into the homes. Governor Bergham applauded our idea, especially for our essential workers.”

In May, the Center re-opened and served seven children. The numbers increased throughout the summer. Caregivers wore masks, there was lots of handwashing, and temperature taking,

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Messy, fun times at Solid Foundations Growing Center, a ministry of Jamestown First UMC.

“We want to remain going, so far, we have not had COVID exposure. God has provided the people I need for workers. Sometimes we do not have enough staff, but currently, we do,” shares Voeltz.

First UMC sees the Center as a way to reach the next person for Jesus. In 2019,  children that attended Solid Foundations participated in Vacation Bible School. A family decided to have their baby baptized at First UMC. Families that don’t have a church home are wandering into worship and connecting with the congregation.

“I really feel the ministry is an outreach. We teach our kids a scripture verse  each month. We plan around that scripture. People are thankful to find childcare and thankful to find a scripture,” says Voeltz.

Solid Foundations Growing Center has been operating for four years. Jamestown First UMC received some funding from a Breakthrough Ministry grant through the Dakotas Conference and the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation to help launch the ministry. Grants are awarded quarterly, this quarter's grant applications are due October 31, 2020. 


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