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Southeast Pierre Community Center Feeds God's people

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16, CEB

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The ribbon cutting celebrating a remodeled space and 35 years of The Banquet at Southeast Pierre Community Center. Photo from Facebook.

"During the holiday season, we offer our gratitude for the many blessings in our lives: food, shelter, loved ones, etc. It is also a time when we are reminded that many around us and worldwide struggle with those blessings we so often take for granted. It is heartbreaking to see people, especially children, suffering from hunger. We pray for the Lord to give the hungry daily bread today (Matthew 6:11). At the same time, we are called to provide the food they need to grow and thrive," wrote Bishop Deborah Kiesey in her letter inviting churches and individuals to give to the 2022 Thanksgiving Offering Feeding the Dakotas.

Funds collected from the 2022 Thanksgiving Offering will be distributed to local congregations and communities to help feed those facing hunger. So far, $8,000 has been received and deposited. 

"We are hoping to attract about $25,000 for Hunger Grants," said Al Roll, Missional Impact Development Coach. "The idea is to create a pool of funds that address hunger in our local communities."

Hunger Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to United Methodist Churches or United Methodist-related organizations. The applications include church partnerships with local food ministries.

Feeding our neighbors' bodies and souls is what Southeast Pierre Community Center in Pierre, South Dakota, a recipient of a Dakotas Conference Hunger Grant, is doing. Each week 200-plus people receive a home-cooked hot meal served by area churches and organizations. 

Southeast Pierre

Photos and graphics courtesy of Southeast Pierre Community Center Facebook page.

It all started 35 years ago with The Banquet—a hot meal for anyone who needs nourishment. The Ministerial Association began the dinner on Thursday evenings in Pierre, South Dakota. At the time, Keith Heinly, a church and community worker with The United Methodist Church, wrote a grant and received $5,000 from the Global Board of Ministries to get the Pierre Banquet started. It was held in the basement of city hall. Read more

Through the years, several churches throughout the Dakotas Conference supported the efforts of the Southeast Pierre Community Center and Church. In 2022, Southeast Pierre Church was closed. The community center filed for 301c status and became a non-profit agency.

Today, Southeast Pierre Community Center has become a flourishing non-profit organization serving people in the Pierre Area. The organization is led by board members Lois Ries, Laurie Mikkonen, Jamie Seiner, and Tina Van Camp as a new chapter is started. The organization is supported financially through several grants from the Pierre Area United Way, the Chamber of Commerce, the Dakotas Conference, and the Dakotas Methodist Foundation. 

On November 15, 2022, SPCC celebrated 35 years of serving The Banquet, housed in a newly remodeled space. The remodel allows community organizations to use meeting spaces at the center. In addition, plans are underway to bring back an afterschool program. In the future, programming will be added to meet the needs in the Pierre area. 

"It is amazing to see things take off," said Roll. "It truly is a blessing to the community."

Donations for the 2022 Thanksgiving Offering are still being accepted. Donate here




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