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This Week @ Dakotas | August 2


Bishop calls special session of annual conference | November 19, 2022
    Bishop Deborah Kiesey issued the following letter August 2, 2022, formally calling a special session of the Dakotas Annual Conference for November 19, 2022, beginning at 9:30 a.m. central time and 8:30 a.m. mountain time. The agenda will include one business item: consideration of resolutions ratifying the disaffiliation of local churches from the United Methodist Church per the provisions of ¶2553.

UMC Portion of Boys Scouts' bankruptcy ruling approved | Read press release 
    A 281-page ruling in the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) bankruptcy proceedings indicates that most of the reorganization plan meets the criteria of bankruptcy law and is constitutional. The ruling approves the United Methodist portion of the settlement, but there are several more matters the BSA must address for the plan to be confirmed.   

Mission u | Virtual event Aug. 11-13
    Virtual Mission u is an opportunity to study current issues impacting society with attention to the responsibilities in fulfilling the mission work of the church. Participants will grow in their understanding of the mission of the church in the current world context. This year's curriculum is designed to be easy to use in small groups, local churches, retreats, and other settings. You can still register for Virtual Mission u by Aug. 4, then join us Aug 11-13 (evenings and Saturday).


Leading Change Webinar | Aug. 15, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
 Church leaders who want to successfully move their ministry to a new phase, attend this webinar on how to lead change. Some of the topics that will be covered are common myths about leading chang, transferrable principles for leading change, tested process steps associated with successful change leadership, best practices for dealing with resistance and sabotage. The session is led by Rev. Ben Ingebretson, Area Director New Church Development. This is an open Zoom event. Just join the webinar at this link. 

A Step Away: Discovery Retreat | August 19-20
Have you ever felt like God was nudging you to something more? Or maybe just something different? Or you’ve recently changed jobs, retired, or graduated and want to find the a way to serve God that fits you? Everyone is invited to join usm at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center, for a discovery retreat. Take some time to be in prayer and listen to God’s call on your heart. Whether you’re feeling called to serve in a new way at your local church, around your community or even something else, we invite you to spend time in prayer and to listen to God’s call on your hearts. Register today

Codependent No More: A Group Coaching Opportunity for Clergy | Tuesdays, Aug. 23-Nov. 15, noon-1 p.m.
    Clergy, if you feel pressure to meet everyone’s needs and are emotionally drained, take this time for your own health. For 12 weeks, Tuesdays, Aug. 23-Nov. 15, noon-1 p.m., online, join this small group led by Stephanie Moore, a licensed mental health counselor, and gain tools to end codependence. Contact Diane Owen at with questions. Get all of the details.  Register here.

Foundations of Faith community Nursing course | Begins Sept. 9
     Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course, a collaboration with Augustana University, Sanford and Avera Faith Community Nursing Centers,  is open to persons of all denominations. This is an opportunity to help nurses and congregations who are interested in working or volunteering in this way.  See this flyer and get the details and registration info.

National Day of Volunteer Training | Sept. 24 at Fargo First UMC
Fargo First UMC is hosting National Day of Volunteer Training sponsored by Download Youth Ministry on September 24. The cost for this all inclusive training is $169.00 until August 31, after that price go up to $199.00. It is one price for your entire group. Join us for a great morning of training and lunch and fellowship afterwards. Register now.

Leadership Institute | Sept. 28-30 
    Join us in-person or online for the Leadership Institute, a conference designed to equip, encourage, and inspire ministry leaders like you from all over the country and around the globe. You’ll experience: meaningful worship, eight powerful keynote speakers, time for prayer, reflection, networking, team building, and more. Add the Pre-Institute option to your in-person Leadership Institute experience and choose from over 40 breakout sessions focused on specific ministry topics with practical ideas you can take back and adapt to your context regardless of your church’s size. Get the details at

Jurisdictional Conference Scheduled | Nov. 2-5, 2022
    In response to Judicial Council decision 1445, the Council of Bishops (COB) has formally set the dates for regular sessions of the Jurisdictional Conferences of The United Methodist Church (UMC) to be convened November 2-5, 2022.  Each jurisdiction will determine how many bishops will be elected in their areas. See the full press release here.


Learn how to boost ministry with Canva | Aug. 15-Sept. 9
United Methodist Communications facilitators will be leading Outreach and Design Using Canva, a four-week online learning experience that can empower you to create and share a variety of inspirational content online. In this course, church leaders will get up to speed on all the ways Canva can be used for social media graphics, presentations and much more. Sessions will be Aug. 15-Sept. 9 and the cost is just $29.99. Register by Aug. 10.

#BeUMC | Share and be inspired by others' #BeUMC stories
    Share your story! The full story of The UMC reflects all of our interwoven experiences. Consider our common roots and your answer to the question, “Why am I United Methodist?” Then, post a video, photo or written testimony on your preferred social media platform – don’t forget to use the hashtag #BeUMC.


Director of Children's Ministry | Sioux Falls First UMC 
    First UMC in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is hiring a Director of Children’s Ministry. This is a position that  will build a growing thriving children’s ministry program that will build relationships with families and children ages birth-5th grade. This will be done by helping families and children know, experience, and follow Jesus and equip parents to be the primary disciple-makers in their children’s lives. The Director of Children’s Ministry will be a bridge builder, strengthening the bond between children and families inside and outside of the church. View details here.

Executive Director | Center for Connectional Resources and Administration
    Come work with us! The Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is hiring a new position. The executive director will join a team with a culture of excellence, creativity, and respect, to serve our churches. They will manage finance and administration matters in support of our mission to equip and support congregations across the Dakotas. Please send resume and cover letter to Kelsey Morgan in the foundation office.

Technology Coordinator | Downtown Mitchell First UMC
Downtown First United Methodist Church has an opportunity for you! In this part-time role, the Head Technology Coordinator will oversee the technology for worship, presentations, livestream, and radio broadcasts. You must be available for Sunday morning services and other services as needed (funerals, weddings etc.). Salary will depend on your skills, but we are willing to train the right individual. For more information and to download the application, click here.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Image 1 website.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000