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This Week @ Dakotas | December 5


Sites and Sounds of the Season | Share with us
    Is your church all decorated? Do you have special Christmas tradition at your church? Please share it with us! Advent is here and that means the sights and sounds of holiday decorations, cherubs, and nativities are all around us. Now it's easy to share your advent photos and short videos with the rest of the Dakotas Conference folks online. Please share your best photos from your church's events to us by e-mail or text them to 605-770-8540. A post on Facebook works, too. Share using #DakotasSightsandSounds

The ReCap features Dickinson UMC
     The latest episode of The Recap celebrates new and growing congregations including Dickinson United Methodist Church in North Dakota. Watch the episode.

A Very Dakotas Christmas 2023 | Heaven and Nature Sing available Dec. 12
    Bishop Lanette Plambeck and the Dakotas Conference Cabinet present this gift of worship to you, "A Very Dakotas Christmas 2023." We celebrate the birth of the Christ-child with clergy, families, and scenes from United Methodists across the Dakotas Conference. The online service and resources will be available Dec. 12. Learn more.


Exploration 2024 | Register by Dec. 15
Exploration, is being held in Orlando, Feb. 16-18. It is a gathering, hosted by The United Methodist Church, that creates sacred space for young adults, ages 18-26, to be in meaningful fellowship, passionate worship, theological reflection, and practical workshops as they discern God's call on their life, how ministry in and with The United Methodist Church might be a part of that call, and what faithful steps they can take in response. The Dakotas Conference has scholarships to cover the registration fee as well as offset some of the travel costs (depending on number of applicants). If you are interested, please complete the application before December 15.

Saving Grace Clergy Financial Well-being | Jan. 11-Mar. 7, Register by Dec.15
Start the new year by finding the peace that comes with being in control of finances instead of having them control you. Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being is a practical resource written for the United Methodist family and rooted in a Wesleyan perspective. This 9-week session, Jan. 11- March 7, 2024, includes content on the unique aspects of clergy finances and will be led by Rod Stemme. Please register here by December 15th, or contact Diane Weller for more information.

Scripture Circles 2024 | Register by Dec.19
Clergy, take time to discuss and savor the original language and context of scripture in these small group experiences through a combination of spiritual direction and deep bible study. Start 2024 with Scripture Circles.Multiple sessions are available on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Get the details here.

Builders Club | Hettinger UMC
    We are so grateful for your continued support of the Builders Club and ask that you prayerfully consider a gift to support Hettinger UMC. They need to repair their roof over the Sunday School rooms. The gifts for this call will be received until December 31, 2023. Get the details.

Clergy Epiphany Gathering | Register now
    Register now for the 2024 Epiphany Gathering on January 7-9, 2024. Join Jill and Michael Beck at the Dakotas Event Center in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It will be a Mardi Gras festival— chance to celebrate being together as United Methodist clergy. We will gather with Bishop Lanette and the Dakotas Conference Cabinet on Sunday evening and end our time by noon on Wednesday. Register here

Dynamite Prayer | Jan. 14-Feb. 10
Ready to see what God can do when we come together in prayer and ask God’s Spirit to unleash in us? Begin 2024 by joining a breakthrough prayer movement across the Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area! Join us from Jan. 14-Feb. 10 for our area-wide Dynamite Prayer initiative. Get the details.

SPRC Training | Feb. 22
    If you have new members to your Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), or have recently received a new pastor, or haven't been through a training in a while, join an online (Zoom) training on February 22, at 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Advent Study | Heaven and Earth
    Join Bishop Lanette Plambeck for the Advent Study, Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation, by Will Willimon. The study is Tuesdays at 7:30-8:15 p.m., Nov. 28-Dec. 19, on Zoom. Learn more. Access week two resources here.

Solar Oven Partners | Alternative Gifts Tool-Kit
    Reflect God’s Light with love —give an “alternative gift” this year. Solar Oven Partners (SOP) offers alternatives to the give-and-get craziness of Christmas commercialization. Give the gift or ask for the gift that delivers sustainable physical, economic and environmental well-being in a practical package. Access the Tool-Kit.

Ideas for creation care at Christmas
    United Methodists are called to be good stewards of the planet and its natural resources. At the same time, Americans typically produce 25% more waste during December. United Methodist Communications has put together a video that features simple ideas for how to create less waste during the hectic Advent and Christmas seasons. Watch video.


Financial Ministry Grant |  Growing generous giver
If you want to learn more about growing generous givers, starting a study such as Saving Grace, or providing a growth opportunity for key leaders, consider applying for a Financial Ministry Grant of up to $500 to fund your effort. Whatever your method for improving your church's financial health and embedding the value of generosity into your church culture, some financial support can jumpstart your efforts!  Apply for the Financial Ministry Grant using a simple application found here.


Jobs Available
    We're hiring! Take a look at the job announcements across the Dakotas Conference. Get the details on jobs available at these Conference churches and organizations.

Camping Position Opening | Lake Poinsett Maintenance Ministry
    This is a full-time, exempt position that includes on-site housing, benefits, and meals provided when guests are present. Anticipated start date of January 2024, though start date can be flexible. A full job description can be found here.

Discipleship Ministries Coordinator | Evergreen UMC
Evergreen UMC in Wahpeton, N.D., is hiring a Discipleship Ministries Coordinator. Evergreen UMC is looking for a high energy, enthusiastic individual who loves engaging with children, youth and young adults and also is super crazy about Jesus!! Please contact Pastor Kori Lehrkamp or the church office for more information.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000