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This Week @ Dakotas | February 13


Conference Lenten Study videos available

     During the season of Lent, we will be journeying through Bishop Tom Berlin's book, The Third Day. Dakotas District Superintendents, chair of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, and Elisha Interns have prepared short devotional videos to go with each chapter. Find them here. Next week, we will share additional discussion questions and resources to accompany those videos.


    UMCOR Sunday seeks to increase awareness and support for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)—a humanitarian organization that helps alleviate human suffering around the world by assisting the most vulnerable people affected by crisis or chronic need. UMCOR Sunday is one of six special denominational offerings each year. Gifts given on UMCOR Sunday cover UMCOR’s administrative costs so that 100% of donations given to UMCOR throughout the year can be directed toward on-the-ground relief and recovery efforts in communities facing disaster and hardship. Make plans for your congregation to participate in this offering!  Learn about UMCOR Sunday / Access pastor and leader kit

LUKE-ACTS 2025 - Reflections & Resources

Luke-Acts Reading 
    Chapter 6 opens with Jesus pointing out the hypocrisy of the Phariees and the ways in which they miss the spirit of the law - the purpose of God's creation and commandment to keep the Sabbath holy - because the are obsessed with keeping the letter of the law. But even as Jesus has begun to break down barriers and invite ALL to be apart of God's Kingdom, he also begins to "raise the bar" with challenges to see blessing where we might assume curse, to love our enemies, refrain from judging others, and bear fruit that gives evidence to a transformed heart. It stretches the first listeners, and us, to consider this call discipleship we're invited to build our house on. Additional resoureces: How do we love our enemies?


Online Breakthrough Prayer Training with Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey | March 8 
    Every church recognizes prayer as important. But what happens when a congregation unites to pray collectively and consistently, asking God to break through in new and miraculous ways? This training will help you understand how a simple, additive component of “breakthrough prayer” can be incorporated into what already happens in the daily and weekly prayer life of your congregation--plus how to create and introduce it. Learn more.

Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship | Apply by March 31
    In partnership with GBHEM and the DK/MN Conferences, the Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations are excited to offer matching funds for the Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship. Through this scholarship, seminary students enrolled in one of the 13 United Methodist seminaries/schools of theology can receive up to $10,500 for their education. The Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship was created to help United Methodist clergy avoid excessive educational loan debt, minimize financial stress and build financial acumen. For more information and to apply for the Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship, complete the GBHEM general application before March 31st. Matching funds are available for up to 3 students in the Dakotas and 1 student in Minnesota.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Virtual SPRC Training | March 13
    Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committees (S/PPRC) are encouraged to attend a virtual training hosted and led by Rev. Dan Bader, DK Conference superintendent, Rev. Becky Jo Messenbrink, MN Conference superintendent, and Diane Owen, Area director of clergy well-being. If you have new members of the S/PPRC, have recently received a new pastor, or haven’t been through a training in a while, you are recommended to participate. The training is best experienced if all SPRC members are viewing the training together thus allowing for engagement in table conversations. Register your SPRC here.


Men's Retreat | March 14-15
    Join us at Storm Mountain Center for our annual men’s retreat. The retreat will begin with an evening of worship, fellowship, and study, delving into the things that can distract us from our faith. Bob Goff’s book, Undistracted, will guide our learning. On Saturday, we will continue to explore this theme, finding ways to eliminate these distractions, freeing us to find joy. Cost: $110 (This includes lodging and three meals). For questions or more information call or email Pastor John Britt.


Jobs Available
We're hiring! The following positions are open across the Dakotas Conference. Find out more information on our Conference website.
    Facilities Manager | Lake Poinsett Camp
    Custodian | Downtown First UMC, Mitchell, SD


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000