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This Week @ Dakotas | February 25


Summer Jobs at Camp!
    What do you want to gain from this summer? Get a job where you’ll learn life skills like collaboration, communication, and teamwork, impact kids’ lives, and grow in your faith. Our three United Methodist Camps in the Dakotas are hiring people who want to use their interests and abilities to benefit their community- whether you want to work with your hands, lead camp activities, feed hungry campers, or keep camp looking beautiful. Learn more and apply.

Racial resiliency program | Apply by March 10
    Racial Resilience is an intensive anti-racism training method that helps individuals develop an anti-racist conscience and act as change agents within their institutions to help them develop an anti-racist ethos. This project will connect congregational clergy, lay leaders and youth with training around anti-racism and justice, and will present these principles as core to their churches and communities. They are currently accepting applications for 10-15 appointed clergy who are eager to learn more about anti-racism from a theological perspective and desire to apply these principles to an existing or new ministry project. If you are a ministry leader interested in applying for the first cohort, please apply here


Several awards will be announced at annual conference. Nominations for these award are now being accepted:

Harry Denman Award for EvangelismThis award - given annually to one clergy, one laity, and one youth - honors United Methodists whose exceptional ministry of evangelism – expressed in Word, Sign, and Deed – brings people into a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Nominate someone here.

Francis Asbury Award — Recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to fostering the church's ministries in higher education at the local, district, or annual conference level of the church. Nominate someone here.

Streams of Justice Award— Calls attention to a United Methodist sponsored program or event which promotes justice in our Annual Conference.  Nominate an individual or church here.

Youthworker Hall of Fame—This award honors outstanding individuals who have committed a lifetime to serving Jesus Christ through youth ministry.  Criteria: 20 years or more of working with United Methodist youth, has not previously been inducted into the Hall of Fame, and not currently serving as an adult member of the CCYM. Nominate someone here.

Darrell Leach Youth Worker of the Year Award—This award honors outstanding individuals who are currently serving Jesus Christ in youth ministry. Criteria nominees are: must currently be working with United Methodist youth in some capacity —volunteer, paid staff or clergy,  and is not currently serving as an adult member of CCYM. Nominate someone here.

If you know of a church or individual who is deserving of one of these awards, please submit your nominations by April 11, 2025.

LUKE-ACTS 2025 - Reflections & Resources

Luke-Acts Reading 
    Chapter 8 begins with the Parable of a Sower extravagantly and indiscriminately throwing out seeds on various types of soil. It is followed by stories of Jesus that break the paradigms of family, exhibit his power in calming a storm, have him entering Gentile territory and casting out demons, and pausing to heal a woman en route to saving a young child. Like Jesus, be intentional with your rhythm of reading this week, taking it in bite-sized pieces to reflect on each of the stories and movements. What would you have thought in each of these points if you were one of his followers? Want to dive into that question more? Join our DKMN Area Luke-Acts Facebook group. Additional resource: Why Jesus told Parables


BeADisciple App: Bible studies without limits
    The BeADisciple Study App allows small Christian study groups to meet no matter their distance. Featuring both short- and long-term studies from popular United Methodist authors, all study materials are presented in both text and audio format, making it easy to participate on-the-go. Imagine all those you could reach without the limitations of geography! Learn more here.

“Money + Ministry” podcast series showcases pastors and personal finance
    A new podcast series, Money + Ministry, features honest stories and conversations about the financial challenges faced by pastoral leaders. For too long, ministry leaders have faced isolation, stress, and judgment with regards to their personal finances. This five-part series will inspire clergy, congregations and communities to normalize conversations about money. Each episode of Money + Ministry features a pastoral leader who shares what’s helped their financial journey and offers insights and practical resources to help congregations – clergy and laity – thrive. You can subscribe to the Center for Congregations podcast through Apple Podcasts or Spotify and learn more .

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Practical Church Leadership Certificate Program: July 2025

    Apply by May 1 for this year-long, online certificate program designed to increase a pastor's capacity to be an effective church leader and improve skills in financial stewardship and human resource management and development. The program is offered through Dakota Wesleyan University. Contact Diane Owen for more information.


UMCOR Sunday, March 30
    UMCOR Sunday seeks to increase awareness and support for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)—a humanitarian organization that helps alleviate human suffering around the world by assisting the most vulnerable people affected by crisis or chronic need. UMCOR Sunday is one of six special denominational offerings each year. Gifts given on UMCOR Sunday cover UMCOR’s administrative costs so that 100% of donations given to UMCOR throughout the year can be directed toward on-the-ground relief and recovery efforts in communities facing disaster and hardship. Make plans for your congregation to participate in this offering!  Learn about UMCOR Sunday / Access pastor and leader kit


Elisha/Samuel Intern applications
    Time is running out! Do you know a young adult or older high school student who has gifts for ministry or is sensing God's call in their lives? Encourage them to apply for an Elisha or Samuel internship TODAY! These internship programs allow students to explore, discern their call, and discuss where God is calling them while getting a taste of church and pastoral ministry.  Applications are being accepted until March 1. Churches interested in hosting an intern should contact their district superintendent.


Virtual SPRC Training | March 13
    Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committees (S/PPRC) are encouraged to attend a virtual training hosted and led by Rev. Dan Bader, DK Conference superintendent, Rev. Becky Jo Messenbrink, MN Conference superintendent, and Diane Owen, Area director of clergy well-being. If you have new members of the S/PPRC, have recently received a new pastor, or haven’t been through a training in a while, you are recommended to participate. The training is best experienced if all SPRC members are viewing the training together thus allowing for engagement in table conversations. Register your SPRC here.


Jobs Available
We're hiring! The following positions are open across the Dakotas Conference. Find out more information on our Conference website.
    Facilities Manager | Lake Poinsett Camp
    Custodian | Downtown First UMC, Mitchell, SD
    Work at Camp this Summer!


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000