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This Week @ Dakotas | February 6


Lay Leadership Development Cohort | Starts February 7
    Clergy are invited to join the Lay Leadership Development Cohort. Read here to learn more and contact Diane Owen by e-mail ASAP or by February 7 if you are interested. There is no cost. Only the commitment of your time and an openness to learn and share.

Rural Ministry Cohort | Register by Feb. 12
We are excited to offer our Dakotas clergy serving rural and small community churches an opportunity to connect, share, and learn. Learn more here and sign up now!  There is no cost. Deadline to register is February 12, 2024.

S.D. Interfaith Day | Feb. 12
    Join faith leaders, for a day at the Capitol as we stand in solidarity and pray for peace for everyone who calls South Dakota home. The annual Interfaith Day at the State Capitol in Pierre for the 2024 Legislative Session is Feb. 15 beginning at 9 a.m. Get the details.


Exploration 2024 | Feb. 16-18
    Exploration, is being held in Orlando, Feb. 16-18. It is a gathering, hosted by The United Methodist Church, that creates sacred space for young adults, ages 18-26, to be in meaningful fellowship, passionate worship, theological reflection, and practical workshops as they discern God's call on their life, how ministry in and with The United Methodist Church might be a part of that call, and what faithful steps they can take in response.

Courageous Conversation | Feb. 20
The McGovern Center recognizes the importance of courageous civil discourse. We are planning a series of 3 “Courageous Conversations” following a set of guidelines which ensure discourse that is both irenic and engaged. The discussion moderators will remain neutral. We will simply sponsor the conversation and provide a context to think, learn and explain.,We invite the church you serve to join us for these “Courageous Conversations.” View the details.

SPRC Training | Feb. 22
    If you have new members to your Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), or have recently received a new pastor, or haven't been through a training in a while, join an online (Zoom) training on February 22, at 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Fresh Expression Coaching calls | Next one is Feb.29
    Fresh Expression Coaching Calls will take place Feb. 29, March 28, April 25, June 27, July 25, and Aug. 29, 6:30 p.m., online. Monthly coaching sessions for Fresh Expressions practitioners and their teams are facilitated by Rev. Michael Beck. Share stories, ideas, and support.

Builders Club | Winter 2024
    The winter Builders Club call is for Prairie View UMC in southwest corner of South Dakota. They are needed repairs to the parsonage. Learn more about this request. Join Builders Club and donate.

Confirmation Camp | March 1-2, 2024
    Confirmation Camp at Lake Poinsett is scheduled for March 1-2! Let Rev. Valerie Hummel LaBounty know if you are interested in helping in any capacity. You and your confirmation crew are invited to join! 

Register for Camp | April 30 Early Bird deadline
     Summer 2024 camp registration is OPEN! Keep an eye on your mailbox for the NEW 2024 camp brochure! Don’t forget about the Early Bird incentive. Register before April 30 and receive a $5 per night discount. Save even more by bringing a friend with you to camp. Click here for details.

GC Webinar | March 7 and 10
    Join your Dakotas Conference General Conference delegation—Beata Ferris, Kara Heagel, Rev. Sara Nelson, and Rev. Rebecca Trefz on March 7 or March 10 at 6:30 p.m. to learn and ask questions about the upcoming 2024 General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 23-May 4, 2024.

UMCOR Sunday | March 10
    UMCOR Sunday is March 10, 2024, resources are available in digital format and we encourage you to use them in the best format that works for your church. For suggestions on how to use the material, check out the How to Guide or for those who value a schedule, the planning calendar is the perfect way to consolidate all the opportunities.

AC 2024 Legislation | Due March 22
    All proposals for petitions and resolutions for the Dakotas Annual Conference 31st Session must be submitted electronically, by 5:00 p.m. CDT, on March 22, 2024. Items should be created using the Petitions and Resolutions form. If you have questions about resolutions and petitions, you may contact Rev. Rebecca Trefz by e-mail or phone at 605-990-7791.

AC 2024 | Award Nominations due March 22
    Several awards will be announced at annual conference. Some are chosen by the cabinet, some by CCYM, and some via open nominations. Nominations are now being accepted for the following awards Denman Award for Evangelism, Francis Asbury Award, Streams of Justice, Youthworker Hall of Fame Award, and Youthworker of the Year. Nominations are due by 5 p.m. March 22,2024. Learn more.

5 Day Academy for Spiritual Formation | April 7-12
    Mark your calendars for a spiritual retreat held right here within the Great Plains that could provide you with an opportunity to learn, worship, and connect—with God, yourself, and others. The Five-Day Academy will be offered shortly after Easter at St. Benedict’s Center in Schuyler, NE. It is a program of Upper Room Ministries led by presenters Elaine A. Heath and Jeanine B. Heath-McGlinn. Learn more.

Register for Camp | April 30 Early Bird deadline
    Summer 2024 camp registration is OPEN! Keep an eye on your mailbox for the NEW 2024 camp brochure! Don’t forget about the Early Bird incentive. Register before April 30 and receive a $5 per night discount. Save even more by bringing a friend with you to camp. Click here for details.

Long Term Renewal | Apply by June 1
    The next deadline for the submission of a Long-Term Renewal application along with the related parts (Formational Plan and Pastoral Coverage Grant request) is June 1, 2024. This deadline is for all long-term leaves to be taken after December 1, 2024. Check here for all information related to the updated Renewal Leave and Pastoral Coverage Grant.

AC 2024 | June 6-8, 2024
The 31st session of the Dakotas Annual Conference will be held June 6-8, 2024, in Bismarck, North Dakota. The gathering will include inspiring worship, business, conversations about who and where we are, and celebration of clergy milestones. Drawing on Isaiah 43:1, the theme of this year’s gathering is “Jesus. Redeemer.” We are all called and redeemed by God. God rightfully declares: "You are mine." We will gather as one body at Legacy United Methodist Church and McCabe United Methodist Church. Here are some of the details for our time together. Get the details.


SOP relocates office | March 1, 2024
    Effective March 1, 2024, the Solar Oven Partners Administrative Office will move from Brookings, South Dakota, to Elk River, Minnesota. This relocation provides a more convenient business flow for the Solar Oven Partners mission. Christopher Sylvah, Solar Oven Partners Director, resides near Elk River, making this an ideal location for administrative support services. The office will be located at Elk River United Methodist Church, 1304 Main Street, Elk River MN 55330. Read more.

2024 Lent Study | Multiplying Love
    Join Bishop Lanette Plambeck and the Dakotas and Minnesota Conference Cabinets this Lent for a video study. Explore the power of the Wesleyan approach to the gospel and a compelling case for the future of The United Methodist Church. Access the resources

Dynamite Prayer, Week 4 | Holy Spirit: Our Posture
    Our final week’s them involves how to assume a “spiritual posture” that opens your best capacity to become a vessel for the Spirit’s dunamis working in and through you. Access resources.

Grandpas Gift | Rev. C. Maxwell Brown's ministry journey
    Rev. C. Maxwell Brown attended Drew Theological Seminary in New Jersey and graduated in 1932. From there he spent the next 32 years as a Methodist minister, husband and father of four while living in multiple North Dakota communities, including a ten year stay at First Methodist in Fargo. Rev. Brown Max passed away in 1992, but his work lives on in the book Grandpa's Gift. Learn more.


United Methodist Higher Education Foundation scholarships | Apply by March 1
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) awards $2+ million yearly to students, graduate and undergraduate attending UM-related schools. Applications are open through March 1. Apply today.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Scholarships | Apply by March 13
GBHEM Scholarships offers financial aid to United Methodist students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. Every year, annually an average of $5.5 million is awarded to help students in the United States and abroad pursue their dreams through higher education. Apply by March 13.

Dakotas Merit Scholarships | Apply by April 1
    The Dakotas Methodist Foundation awards scholarships each year to seminary students showing exceptional promise or achievement in preparation for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. In previous years, nearly $100,000 has been available for distribution. Scholarship amounts are dependent upon the number of applicants and funds available. Priority is given to applicants pursuing a Master of Divinity degree. Applications are due by April 1st and applicants are notified of decisions in May.


Jobs Available
    We're hiring! Take a look at the job announcements across the Dakotas Conference. Get the details on jobs available at these Conference churches and organizations.

Facilties Manager | Lake Poinsett Camp and Living Waters Retreat Center
     Lake Poinsett Camp & Living Waters Retreat Center, a ministry of the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church, is seeking an experienced professional in the area of facility maintenance. The ideal candidate will have a radical hospitality mindset, knowledge of a wide range of maintenance tasks, experience in working with volunteers and staff teams, and an understanding of ministry as a lifestyle. This is a full-time, exempt position that includes salary, on-site housing, benefits, and meals provided when guests are present. Anticipated start date of March 2024, though actual start date can be flexible.  A full job description can be found here.

Children's Music Director | First UMC Sioux Falls
First UMC in Sioux Falls, S.D. is seeking a Children’s Music Director for four-year-olds through fifth grade. If you feel God is leading you to join this team and your skills match the position, please email Luann Berkhof your resume and cover letter. For more information, you can call the church office at 605.336.3652. View a full job description.

Accompanist | Ben Clare UMC
    Ben Clare UMC near Valley Springs, S.D. is looking for a musical accompaniment for 9 a.m. traditional service and special services. The music includes, but not limited to: hymns, prelude and postlude, offertory, special music. If interested, please send your resume to: Get more details.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000