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This Week @ Dakotas | March 2


Pray with us | March 2-8
Dear Lord, Help me remember you are indeed Lord of my life. You have the right to rule all that I think, believe, and do. When I allow my mind to run to places that destroy my peace, remind me these are unauthorized thoughts. You do not want me to dwell on thoughts and emotions that contribute to unreasonable fears. We pray for all of God's people, but especially these persons

Surprise the World |  Week four Listen 
     As we enter the fourth week of our Lenten study, we focus on the habit of listening. Listening to God in silence is a discipline that is a difficulty for many of us, shares Rev. Kris Mutzenberger in her reflection. View the video and access resources. All of the videos are posted here to download or view. Small group study guides are posted here, as well as print copies of the messages. If you are looking for additional resources to supplement these, you can find more here View the message from Rev. Rebecca Trefz for chapter four, Eat and week three of the study here.

From Social Media to Social Ministry | March 4 webinar with Nona Jones 
  Learn with Pastor Nona Jones, the globally renowned expert on social media ministry. Nona will provide her unique perspective on the age of digital discipleship from her bestselling book From Social Media to Social Ministry.  You’ll learn practical steps to take your church’s ministry and discipleship to the next level, into the digital age. Join Nona Jones, Facebook’s head of global-faith-based partnerships, learn how to use online tools to attract and disciple people in your community in brand new ways. Register for the webinar, hosted by the West Ohio Conference, at a rate of $40View a recording of  a webinar with Nona Jones, hosted by the Texas Conference, on February 11, 2021

Celebrate the Life of Rev. Junius Dotson | March 6
Our hearts are saddened and grieved by the loss of our beloved brother and Discipleship Ministries General Secretary. We honor Rev. Junius Dotson’s life and legacy and reflect on our precious moments with this great spiritual leader. Join us in celebrating the life of Rev. Junius B. Dotson this coming Saturday, March 6, at 11 a.m., central time. Watch the serviceRead a tribute.

Soul Fill-up | Wednesdays 8 a.m. mountain time, 9 a.m. central time 
    Soul Fill-up is a mid-week time for church leaders to slow down. Let us pour into your soul and refill your cup during guided scripture reading, prayer, and meditation led by the Higher Ground program's spiritual directors. There is nothing to do or prepare—just set this 30-40 minutes aside for yourself and join us! Click here to join, Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. central time, 8:00 a.m. mountain time.


Celebrate Sheilah Kyburz's ministry | Submit by March 15
You are invited to celebrate the ministry of Sheilah Kyburz, who will retire as the bishop's assistant for the Dakotas-Minnesota  Area of The United Methodist Church.   She will retire at the end of March. Janet Beard will serve as her replacement. People wishing to celebrate Sheilah Kyburz’s ministry with memories or messages can do so in multiple ways.

Breaking through Gridlock |  Conflict resolution workshop
    Did you miss the January and February sessions? Catch the session on March 11. 
Whether you want to change the world in big ways or just be able to have deeper relationships with people who don’t think like you, the conversation is the key. And yet, especially these days, conversations quickly get stuck—entrenched into our own small worldviews, assured we are right in our thinking. "Breaking Through Gridlock: The Power of Conversation in a Polarized World" is a conflict resolution workshop led by LeaderWise. Attend virtually on  March 11 and April 8, 2021, at 11:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m., central time, 10:00 a.m. —12:30 p.m., mountain time. Register here

Annual Conference 2021 | Call for resolutions, petitions, and award nominations
    The 28th session of the Dakotas Annual Conference will be June 11-12, 2021, in a hybrid format. Drawing on our collective values of Jesus, mission, and connection, the theme of this year's annual conference session is "Jesus Waymaker.” We will explore ways in which we need to step out of our comfort zone and follow the path to living like Jesus in ways beyond our imagination. Lay and clergy are invited to submit petitions and resolutions to be considered at the 2021 Annual Conference by March 31, 2021. The Dakotas Conference Cabinet also invites nominations for several awards that will be a part of the session by March 31, 2021

Nonprofit Church Leadership certificate program for clergy | Application process open
Clergy may apply for this year-long online graduate certificate program through Dakota Wesleyan University designed to increase competencies in leadership. View summaries of the applied projects presented by the participating pastors in 2019 and 2020. Applicants will need to ask the leadership team of their church to complete this Endorsement of Participation. Learn more about the program by viewing the application.  Contact Diane Owen for more information and any questions.


Both/And with Jason Moore | session one, session two, handbook
    Nobody wants to be an afterthought when it comes to worship. We must strive to create a scenario where both in-person and online worshiping communities feel equally included.  There is no need to bring an end to online worship as we go back to in-person.  Jason Moore  presented two webinars and made the webinar recordings session one, session two, and handbook available until April 14.  Read summary

UMCOR responding to winter storms| donate here
 The United Methodist Committee on Relief has worked with conference disaster relief coordinators to provide immediate funding and long-term support since the winter storm led to power outages and burst pipes across Texas and other southern states. People can support recovery efforts by giving to UMCOR's U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #901670. When you donate to UMCOR, 100% of your donation goes to serve those in need. 

Interfaith Federal Credit Union (formerly United Methodist Credit Union) offers PPP assistance | Details here
Interfaith FCU is ready to assist you with your Paycheck Protection Program application and loan.  Find the details and resources here.  Did you know that any church or congregation members of the Dakotas conference are eligible to open an account with Interfaith? Contact Interfaith FCU here


UMHEF scholarships | Deadline extended to March 19
United Methodist students planning to attend a UM-related college, university, or seminary for the 2021-2022 academic year are encouraged to take this extra time to apply for the more than $2 million available in scholarship funds from UMHEF. Applications and supporting materials must be submitted online or postmarked by March 19. Applicants must be members of The United Methodist Church and planning to attend a United Methodist-related school, college, university, or seminary for the 2021-2022 school year. Get the details

Excellence in Leadership Scholarship | Apply by March 24
The Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church and  Dakotas United Methodist Foundation is happy to partner with the General Board of Higher Education  and Ministry to offer matching dollars for this scholarship. This scholarship opportunity is designated for full-time students seeking a Master of Divinity degree and are enrolled at one of the 13 United Methodist seminaries or schools of theology.  Applications will be accepted through March 24, 2021, get the details here. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Weller.

Merit Scholarships | Apply by April 1
The Dakotas Conference and Foundation support those entering their  call to ministry and invite seminary students to apply for a Merit Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded each year to seminary students showing exceptional promise or achievement in preparation for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church and have a connection to the Dakotas Conference. In previous years, close to $100,000 has been available for distribution. Scholarship amounts are dependent upon the number of applicants and funds available.  If you have any questions, please contact Diane WellerApply here


Asbury UMC | Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
    Asbury United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is currently accepting applications for a Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. The Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries develops, directs, and evaluates the youth/young adult education program with the goal of making disciples for the transformation of the world at Asbury United Methodist Church. This is a 20-hour per week position. A full job description can be found here: Please email a resume to or mail it to the church at 2425 S Western Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.

Yankton First UMC | Praise Team Leader
     At First United Methodist Church in Yankton, South Dakota, the Praise Team Leader will provide vocal and musical leadership to the Sunday morning contemporary worship service. This position will be responsible for the planning, preparation, and coordination of all aspects of music for the contemporary worship service. View a job description and application details here


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Night 2024 1920x1080.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000