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This Week @ Dakotas | March 4


Clergywomen's Retreat
    Come and enjoy the serene surroundings, worship, conversation and company of other United Methodist clergywomen at this year’s retreat. The retreat will be held at Lake Poinsett United Methodist Church Camp, Arlington, SD. Cost per person: $180 or $230 based on sleeping arrangement options chosen at registration. This year's retreat theme is Photography. Each small group time will involve different photography activities and exploring related scripture. God is at work all around us, and we carry cameras in our pockets that helps to capture it. Open your eyes, mind, and heart to experience God through a camera lens with your clergy colleagues. Learn more and register here.

LUKE-ACTS 2025 - Reflections & Resources

Luke-Acts Reading 
    This past Sunday was Transfiguration Sunday. We are reminded in reading chapter 9 that Jesus and the disciples don't stay in that "mountain top" experience. They go back down the mountain where they are encountered by the broken realities of life - a young child experiencing physical and psychological trauma and a parent (and Jesus' own disciples) feeling helpless in bringing healing and relief. As we look at the hurts of the world around us, we often feel helpless to affect change as well. Yet Jesus invites us to continue on the journey of being agents of justice, righteousness, reconciliation, and peace through the power of his Holy Spirit at work in and through us. Additional resource: A commentary on Luke 9:28-36 [37-43]


In Mission Together
Rev. Fred Vanderwerf, elder from the Minnesota Annual Conference of the UMC, serves as the Partnership Coordinator for “In Mission Together - Ukraine”, a ministry of the United Methodist Church. For those who want to stay informed about the mission and ministry of the UMC in Ukraine and discover ways you can support the people of Ukraine, we encourage you to subscribe to the Facebook Group: In Mission Together Ukraine and/or the In Mission Together Ukraine Newsletter.

Duke Divinity School Summer25 Study Leave
    Find time to read, reflect, research, or just relax with Study Leave for Ministry Professionals. Over the span of five to seven days, participants can immerse themselves in learning and renewal through self-directed study, worship, and prayer on the Duke University campus. Study is a great opportunity to work on commissioning or ordination papers, engage in worship planning or to simply take a week to escape the rigors of ministry. Designed for Christian institutional leaders, pastors, program staff, or laity, participants select their topic and Duke Divinity School provides the resources needed for a relaxing and productive week. Two sessions are being offered this summer for you to attend a week of Study Leave: June 2-6, July 14-18. Registration opens March 1.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Practical Church Leadership Certificate Program: July 2025

    Apply by May 1 for this year-long, online certificate program designed to increase a pastor's capacity to be an effective church leader and improve skills in financial stewardship and human resource management and development. The program is offered through Dakota Wesleyan University. Contact Diane Owen for more information.


Summer Jobs at Camp!
    What do you want to gain from this summer? Get a job where you’ll learn life skills like collaboration, communication, and teamwork, impact kids’ lives, and grow in your faith. Our three United Methodist Camps in the Dakotas are hiring people who want to use their interests and abilities to benefit their community- whether you want to work with your hands, lead camp activities, feed hungry campers, or keep camp looking beautiful. Learn more and apply.

Virtual SPRC Training | March 13
    Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committees (S/PPRC) are encouraged to attend a virtual training hosted and led by Rev. Dan Bader, DK Conference superintendent, Rev. Becky Jo Messenbrink, MN Conference superintendent, and Diane Owen, Area director of clergy well-being. If you have new members of the S/PPRC, have recently received a new pastor, or haven’t been through a training in a while, you are recommended to participate. The training is best experienced if all SPRC members are viewing the training together thus allowing for engagement in table conversations. Register your SPRC here.


Annual Conference 2025 Resolutions and Petitions
    Do you have a resolution, petition, or specific legislation you would like to have considered at the 2025 Dakotas Annual Conference, being held June 6-8, 2025, in Mitchell, South Dakota? All proposals for petitions and resolutions for the Dakotas Annual Conference Session must be submitted electronically, by March 21.  Items should be created using the Petitions and Resolutions form.  If you have questions about resolutions and petitions, you may contact Rev. Rebecca Trefz by e-mail or phone 605-990-7791. The Dakotas Conference Petitions and Resolution Committee will review submissions before being placed on the agenda for consideration at the upcoming Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference.


Jobs Available
We're hiring! The following positions are open across the Dakotas Conference. Find out more information on our Conference website.
    Custodian | Downtown First UMC, Mitchell, SD
    Work at Camp this Summer!


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000