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This Week @ Dakotas | November 12, 2024


Solar Oven Partners | Alternative Gift Giving Dec. 3
    A gift in someone's honor keeps giving. Perhaps that’s why nearly six in ten Americans say they would rather have a donation made on their behalf to their favorite charity than receive a gift for themselves this year. Consider a donation to Solar Oven Partners because giving in the name of others is both touching and practical. Solar ovens make a difference—one family at a time, one community at a time. Every act of generosity counts …and everyone has something to give.  Solar Oven Partners is an UMCOR Advance project and a mission project of Dakotas Conference.  There are two ways to donate:

  • Give online
  • Make check to: Solar Oven Partners  - Memo: Dakotas UMC Advance #637 

    Mail to: Solar Oven Partners, 1331 W. University Ave., PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301.

Southeast Winter Connection collection
    All youth in grades 6-12 and youth leaders are invited to a weekend of worship, fun, mission, and learning with churches from all across your region! Winter Connection is to be held at three sites - Rapid City, S.D., Fargo, N.D., and Mitchell, S.D., on January 24-25. The cost is $40 per participant. At the Southeast site, Downtown First UMC in Mitchell, the  CCYM members are asking for chuch and personal donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, wash cloths, socks, and deodorant for "Home For Now" (Mitchell's homeless support and resource group). Please only donate items on the list provided above.

Youth Worker Awards
    Each year, the Dakotas Conference Council on Youth Ministries presents two awards to individuals who share of their time and talents to invest in the faith journey of United Methodist youth in the Dakotas. Help us recognize these faithful servants. Submit nominations for the Youth Worker of the Year and Youth Worker Hall of Fame. Nomination deadline is January 9, 2025.


BELONG resources
    The Belong resources from UM Discipleship Ministries includes print materials as well as videos that extend and inspire conversations about Baptism, Holy Communion, and Membership Vows. Use these resources in small groups, Sunday School and confirmation classes, and even in worship gatherings to experience and engage with the stories, tradition, liturgy, and call to discipleship we find in the sacraments and our membership vows.

Discover the Roots of United Methodism - Informational webinar | November 14
    Are you curious about the foundational roots of The United Methodist Church? Join us for Radicle Methodism 2025, an enriching program brought to you by the General Commission on Archives and History in collaboration with Discipleship Ministries. (In botany, the radicle is the first part of a seedling to emerge from the seed during germination. The radicle is the embryonic root of the plant.) This transformative study program, running from January 15 to February 28, 2025, will offer a churchwide opportunity to explore the origins and evolution of Methodism. Great for individuals and groups! For more information look here

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

UM Student Day | Nov. 24
    NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The official date set to celebrate United Methodist Student Day is Nov. 24, but churches are encouraged to celebrate on a date that is most convenient for their congregation. Ask The UMC, a ministry of United Methodist Communications, explains how this Special Sunday is a denomination-wide celebration focused on the value of education, with giving directly distributed across the 70 different scholarships under the management of the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Register for Advent study
    Plan now to participate in the 2024 Advent Study led by Bishop Lanette. In this study, United Methodists across the Area are invited to read "The Christmas Letters" by Magrey DeVega, which has us looking at a special set of letters - Romans, 1 John, Philippians, and Colossions - written to the earliest believers about the incarnation. Discussions will be held via Zoom on Tuesday evenings, Nov. 26-Dec. 17. Registration is available. Zoom link will be sent the week before the study begins. Order your book now in paperback or ebook here.

Winter Connection - January 24-25
Winter Connection is an opportunity for youth to gather, share, worship, and serve others. Our theme for 2025 is: Don't be a Jerk: Love Everyone. Our scripture is John 3:16-17. Don't take love for granted. Recognize God's love - which encompasses you and your neighbor. Make sure to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, weather appropriate clothing, winter jacket, and gear. Apply here

Winter Scripture Circles | Register by Dec. 13
    A new round of Scripture Circles begins the week of January 13 for 10 weeks. Cost for Dakotas-Minnesota clergy is $100. The options to select from are:
Monday Mornings, 10:30 – 12:00 CT, beginning January 13- March 17
Early Tuesday Mornings, 7:30 – 9:00 CT, beginning January 14- March 18
Tuesday Mornings, 10:30 – 12:00 CT, beginning January 14 – March 18
Tuesday Afternoons, 1:30 - 3:00 CT, beginning January 14 -March 18
Registration deadline is December 13th. For more information, contact Diane Owen


Jobs Available
We're hiring! The following positions are open across the Dakotas Conference. Find out more information on our Conference website.
   Custodian | Downtown First UMC, Mitchell, SD
    Director | Solar Oven Partners, DK-MN Area
    Youth & Children's Ministry Coordinator | Sunnycrest UMC, Sioux Falls, SD


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000