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This Week @ Dakotas | September 17


Relax, Refresh, Renew Womens Retreat
    Join us October 25-27 at Storm Mountain Center for a weekend apart and a time to relax, refresh and renew your mind and body.  During the weekend you’ll find both group time to build Christian community and time apart in the beauty of creation for Sabbath and renewal. Check out the DakCamps website for more information and to register.


Do Unto Others Resources
     Originally under the banner of “Love Your Neighbor”; then “BE Kind, Just, Humble”; and now “Do Unto Others,” this is a campaign by Resurrection, a United Methodist Church in Kansas City to encourage people to be intentional about treating one another with kindness, even those with whom we disagree. A vote for kindness is a step toward overcoming the polarization in our country through civility and respect. You’ll find information and resources here to join the campaign and encourage kindness in your community.

Standing Courageous: Church Leadership in Partisan Times webinar
    In today’s divided political climate, church leaders have a unique opportunity to foster peace and unity in their communities. This webinar from UM Discipleship Ministries will equip clergy to lead with courage, compassion, and faithfulness in times of conflict and help your church be a blessing to its community during this election season. Get more information and register here.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Lay Academy | October 25-27
    Apply to be part of the next Lay Academy Preaching and Worship Leading training, Oct. 25-27 at Open Heart UMC in Rapid City with preaching arranged that Sunday at various UMCs in the area. Registration (including recommendation from your pastor) is due by September 25th. If you are interested in attending but unable to travel to Rapid City, a Zoom option may be available. Contact Rebecca Trefz for more information. *Please indicate on application if you need to complete the required Basic Discernment course in order to be provided the resources to do that before the training.

Zoom gathering with Rev. Susan Jennys | Building Relational Bridges with our Native American Siblings
Join us for a time of learning and discussion as we continue to continue to strive to better Love our Indigenous Neighbors. These Zoom gatherings will be led and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Susan Jennys and Rev. David Jennys. Topics will include: Getting to know our neighbor; Cultural revitalization initiatives; Relationship between church revitalization and decolonization; and Supporting Tribal Sovereignty. The one-hour Zoom gatherings will be held on Tuesday evenings October 15, 22, 29, and Nov 5, beginning at 7pm Central/ 6pm MT. Register HERE.

Fresh Expressions Third Thursday Zoom call
     You are invited to participate in DK-MN FX 3rd Thursdays! This month, we will gather via zoom to talk about WHY Fresh Expressions and also share what’s working, what’s challenging, and what we are dreaming about. These calls are open to all who are interested. 3rd Thursday take place from 6:30-7:30 p.m. CT. Use this zoom link to join us.

DakYouth | Oct. 11-13
    Join The Skit Guys, Winona Avenue, and Matt Rawle, along with middle and high school youth in Aberdeen, South Dakota for DakYouth 2024. This year’s them is “Crossroads” with a scripture focus on Joshua 24:15. Register by Sept. 25 to get a t-shirt and discount on lodging. Check out a video promo here.


Jobs Available
We're hiring! The following positions are open across the Dakotas Conference. Find out more information on our Conference website.
    Director | Solar Oven Partners, DK-MN Area
    Facilities Manager | Lake Poinsett Camp, Arlington, SD
    Youth and Children's Ministry Coordinator | Sunnycrest UMC, Sioux Falls, SD
    Administrative Assistant | Madison UMC, Madison, SD
    Youth Coordinator | Madison UMC, Madison, SD


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000