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Tree of Life Boutique moves to a new location

By Rev. Linda Baldock, White River(SD) UMC

Spring is in the air. It is prom season. It’s the season when girls generally go shopping and lay out several hundred dollars for a dress they’ll wear once. Many girls on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota will not be able to afford a prom dress, but the Tree of Life Boutique gives them a unique shopping option.

The Rosebud Reservation is economically depressed and ranks second-lowest in per capita income (after the Pine Ridge Reservation) on Plains Reservations. Unemployment sometimes reaches over 80%, and the lack of job opportunities leaves a devastating mark on Rosebud families.

Sonny Prue manages the Tree of Life Boutique, located in Mission, South Dakota. She enjoys keeping things organized, inviting and lively for the staff, volunteers and shoppers. The Tree of Life Boutique has a new and bigger building, next to the Boys and Girls Club, just off Highway 18 in this prairie town of less than 1200 people.

The boutique’s new location gives it more floor space for displays and shopping as well as a donation drop-off area. Prue and the workers inside the boutique are continually working to create inviting displays for clothing and household items. Shoppers are welcomed with a smile and allowed to browse and buy items at extremely reduced prices. Photo: Sonny Prue, Manager, Tree of Life Boutique

If you drive up with donations, two young men come to unload your vehicle with a smile, and maybe even a joke. They first move your donated items to the warehouse to be sorted and organized. The effort to keep donations organized is a constant, labor-intensive process.

There is a current need for prom dresses and formal attire. “It is always sad to go to the Grand March at one of our local high schools to see one of the young men wearing jeans and a t-shirt,” said Prue. “Everyone likes to dress up for this special occasion.”  Formal attire is needed for all ages.

“With Easter at the end of the month, Easter items are in demand: baskets, items to fill the baskets and so forth,” stated Prue. The demand for shoes and jeans, and especially larger size clothing items is always high. Photo: A woman shops for clothing at the Tree of Life Boutique in Mission, SD, on the Rosebud Reservation.

What is a typical day like at Tree of Life Boutique?

A grandma comes in looking for clothing for two toddlers and a first grader. The grandma is responsible for the children while mom and dad are in jail. The reason for the visit to Tree of Life Boutique is to find clothing for the children. The grandchildren arrived only with the clothes they were wearing. Staff quickly find enough items so each child has a change of clothing for three days.  The price--no charge.

A man who doesn't have a home walks in looking for a jacket and gloves, since his were stolen while he was sleeping. A call comes in that there was a house  damaged by fire at Upper Cut Meat, and although the family is able to stay with a relative, they need clothing and blankets. The man and the family are helped at no cost.

During the same day, 50 more folks come into the store, just shopping for items that cost anywhere from 50 cents to $5, for new shoes or bigger household items. Household items are always in demand, especially mattresses. Photo: The Tree of Life Ministry's Boutique now has a new, more spacious location for the many hundreds of people they serve every week.

If you want to make a donation, contact Sonny Prue, Tree of Life Boutique Manager, at (605) 856-2722. More information is also available online at Tree of

“Thank you for your continued support of Tree of Life,” said Linda Garriot, Director of Tree of Life. “Come experience a day at the Tree as part of the Bishop's 10,000 Hour Miracle Offering.”


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Image 1 website.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000