“It (the Mission Fair) ties our small district churches together in one common mission of raising funds and donations for disaster victims and feeding the hungry of the Dakotas... together we make a difference.” Maxine Blasdell, a member of Southeast Pierre Mission UMC, speaking about the impact of the recent Mission Fair. Photos courtesy of SE Pierre Mission UMC. Photo: Maxine Blasdell.
Ft. Pierre, South Dakota was celebrating the town’s bi-centennial on September 16, meanwhile, Southeast Pierre Mission UMC was the site of a day of learning, fellowship and fun about missions and outreach. The Mission Fair at Southeast Pierre raised $2,907.50 for hunger, with even more funds to be collected.
“In talking with folks who have been there before, the number of people attending was down, but the spirits were high,” said Rev. Mark Phillips, Murdo / Draper UMC.
There were 1,232 kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, collected from more than 15 churches. These kits will be combined with other UMCOR kits collected throughout North and South Dakota this month. A semi-truck will take them to the UMCOR Depot West.
The day included opening worship, a silent auction of 50-60 items, a live auction, food items available for purchase, speakers and a hymn sing. Photo: UMCOR kits dropped off at SE Pierre Mission Fair.
The Rev. Doc. Kimberly LaPlante, who is involved with the work of a women’s shelter, spoke of her life and ministry in the morning session. LaPlante was followed by Vonnie Shields, a member of Pierre First UMC, speaking on a book club she facilitates at the South Dakota Women’s Prison. Photos: LaPlante, left; Shields, right.
A highlight for several of the participants was the hymn sing and the live auction. Blasdell said, “I believe the afternoon hymn sing was a highlight for most. A popular local musician, Ron Smith, led a very enthusiastic group in singing their favorite hymns.”
Smith also provided music for the opening worship led by Southeast Pierre’s new pastor, Rev. Valerie Hummel LaBounty.
Blasdell makes her last banner for live auction
"The live auction was light-hearted and brought a lot of chuckles. The not-so-professional team of Ron Smith and Mike Timm sold banners and other assorted items,” said Blasdell.
Blasdell has been creating banners for the Mission Fair for 17 years. Each year a live auction is held and she always brings lots of banners – sometimes eight or ten of them. The banners have different sizes, colors and messages. Over the years, several thousand dollars from the banner auction have gone to missions. Photo: Maxine Blasdell's last banner.
Due to deteriorating vision, this was Blasdell’s last year to make banners. She says, “I have cleaned out and donated all my stuff except a few odds and ends. I am truly done... even boxed up my sewing machine!”
The Mission Fair in Pierre began in 2001 and Maxine says, “Yes, I did make a banner for the very first Mission Fair in 2001. It was a fairly large banner with a one-word message and a jillion glued-on sequins!” In 2011, The United Methodist Reporter, reported about a banner she made out of recycling materials. The banner sold for about $180.
Many churches have enhanced their worship by using Blasdell's banners. Each of the banners, hanging on the walls, add visual messages to the surroundings.
Southeast Pierre Mission UMC has hosted this event for several years. The event is successful because each of the district churches take on one of the many tasks. Some making the soup, sandwiches, rolls for morning coffee, juice and others desserts, as well as helping with the auctions and registration tables.