More than 100 clergy and lay leaders explored ways to multiply ministries at "Sowing Generously: Ministry leaders willing to consider multiplying." The in-person, multi-site event for the Dakota-Minnesota Area of the United Methodist Church stretched the thinking of attendees to reach new people.
"We want to spark your interest in being God's multiplying presence. How can we imagine ourselves into that new thing," Rev. Ben Ingebretson, director of new church development for the Dakotas-Minnesota Area, said to participants.
Rev. Charlie Moore, center, speaks with Rev. Ben Ingebretson, left, and Rev. Herman Perez during the Sowing Generously webinar on October 8, 2022.
Ingebretson led the event and shared three stories from leaders of congregations who have multiplied. Leaders who have followed the the Holy Spirit and sowed generously into planting a new ministry.
"I invite you to listen and watch the stories and ask where God is leading you to multiply or reach the next person for Jesus," said Ingebretson.
Multiplication any church can play: Sunnycrest and Renuevo—What might it look like to invite someone new, not like us, to join the Jesus journey? Sunnycrest United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls knew that they were surrounded by diversity. So the congregation made some attempts to invite their diverse neighbors. Then Renuevo happened by listening to God's voice and letting the Holy Spirit take the lead. Watch the whole story.
Rev. Ben Ingebretson listened as Revs. Jeremy Peters, right, and Dan Wetterstrom, bottom, shared the risk and rewards that The Grove church in Minnesota experienced in their multiplication journey.
Taking the risk: The Grove—The Grove in Woodbury decided to multiply its ministry to a new campus in Cottage Grove. The effort ran into two roadblocks: existing mindsets and cultures and a worldwide pandemic. Multiplying means taking a risk and riding the ups and downs of the challenge until you come out with success. Watch a 3-minute overview. Watch the full story.
Revs. Ben Ingebretson, left, and Taryn Ragels listen as Rev. Eric VanMeter describes the culture of leadership growth they foster at Fusion UMC in Mitchell, South Dakota.
Leadership apprenticing: Fusion—Who and how can we apprentice the next leader to help us make disciples? Fusion United Methodist Church, partnering with campus ministries at Dakota Wesleyan University, invites future leaders to explore, experiment, and live into God's call for them. It is about building relationships and letting people "try things on for size." Watch a 3-minute overview. Watch the full story.
Rev. Ben Ingebretson.
Each of the stories was followed by a discussion with the leaders of the congregations.
View the conversation with Sunnycrest and Renuevo leaders.
View the discussion with The Grove leaders.
View the conversation with the leaders of Fusion.
"I hope you find some takeaways that encourage you to multiply," said Ingebretson. "Maintain missional clarity like Jesus. The Area wants to be your partner in putting seeds in the soil. So what will you cultivate that will cause your ministry to grow and expand God's kingdom?"
Contact your district superintendent if you have questions or want to know more about multiplying.
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