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Valley City Epworth serves hundreds

Kids and families came piling in the doors of Epworth UMC in Valley City, North Dakota on Halloween.  The church was a warm, friendly place to get a meal and enjoy indoor trick or treating. Photos courtesy of Epworth UMC Facebook page.

“It is the largest community thing that happens here are Epworth,” said Rev. Dayne Zachrison. “We noticed that the Halloween fell on the same night as our Open Table. So we put the two together and the people just came.”

Three years ago, Epworth United Methodist Church in Valley City recognized the need for a community meal.  Resources often run short at the end of the month, and a midweek meal would be a meaningful community gift.  The first volunteers chose the last Tuesday night of the month.  With gifts from inside the church and support from a grant from the Ingathering for Hunger, Epworth began serving their “Open Table Community Meal” on October 27, 2015.

“The meal is just there for those who want to come and enjoy food and fellowship. There is no donation or offering expected. We fund it with donations of food, discounts and monetary gifts from members of the congregations and the community,” stated Zachrison.

Five years ago, Epworth began opening their newly remodeled Gathering Space to an indoor “Trunk or Treat” style event on Halloween night.  Epworth invited families to host and decorate a table, placed luminaries outside their front door, and invited the community inside. That first year, they had seven tables and about 200 people come through the door.  Each year, more families have participated.

This spring, the staff realized that in October, the last Tuesday of the month and Halloween were the same night. 

“We started talking and realized that this could be great for families,” said Zachison. “In conversations with key volunteers, the church chose to hold both events, and the results were amazing!”

On Halloween, the “Open Table” Team and volunteers served barbeques and hot dogs, coleslaw, chips and homemade Rice Krispy bars.  They served close to 250 meals, which more than doubled the size those served at the meal.

The greeters at the front door of the church counted 578 people going through the doors, making this the largest yearly event for Epworth.  With more than 40 volunteers and another 10 families that donated supplies or candy, this has become a significant church-wide community outreach event.

Every participant received a card with the details on Epworth’s Christmas Eve programs and the dates for next summer’s Vacation Bible School.  Epworth spread the word through Social Media and word of mouth, and this event has become a community tradition, serving as the first trick or treat stop for a number of small children.

Anita Tulp, office coordinator at Epworth, coordinates the meals for the open table. Dawn Thompsen is the Christian Education Director who coordinates the indoor Trunk or Treating.  The two thought the night was such a success that a plan underway to do the same thing next year.

Pastor Dayne Zachrison sees this as a win-win for the community and the church. “It is something that we can do for the community. Families need a place to have dinner and do some trunk or treating.”


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000