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Vanderlip reaches two communities, two churches, lots of disciples, for Jesus

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Pastor Don Vanderlip (left), who serves Sioux Falls Southern Hills and Flandreau UMC's accepts the 2018 Denman Award from Bishop Bruce R. Ough (center).


Pastor Don Vanderlip, serving Flandreau and Sioux Falls Southern Hills United Methodist Churches received Harry Denman Evangelism Award at the 2018 Dakotas Annual Conference session in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 7-9.

Vanderlip was appointed to the Flandreau UMC in July of 2016. There was some concern that Don would be the first pastor to commute into the community. Congregants thought that he might not be able to connect with the church as well as the unchurched in Flandreau. What happened was quite the opposite. He has become a visible presence and witness in the community and the church. Within the first six months the attendance more than doubled at Flandreau UMC.

Pastor Don has become a community pastor. His sermons present the Gospel in a compelling and personal way to which many are responding to. He shares illustrations and personal stories of seeing lives changed by the power of Christ and people are responding to his ministry and messages.

In 2017, Rev. Roger Spahr, Southeast District Superintendent, called Pastor Don and asked if he would like to pray the prayer of Jabez and have his territory expanded. Spahr told him that he could be the lead pastor of a two-point charge of Flandreau and Sioux Falls Southern Hills.  It seemed like a strange alignment. He has brought his gift of evangelism to both congregations.  His passion for seeing new people come to faith in Christ is having a great impact on both communities.

Members of his churches have echoed these affirmations of his gift for evangelism.  One-member writes, “Pastor Don fulfills this mission of seeing lives transformed with his passion to share the love that Jesus has for everyone.  He spreads the word that ‘Jesus loves you,’ not just on Sunday morning during worship, but every day in his words, prayers, and interaction with others. Pastor Don’s evangelism ministry is simple; he is down to earth, personable, and can engage with individuals of all generations. Through his ministry with the church and through being an active part of the communities he serves, he is helping individuals and families grow in their faith and live a life that honors Jesus. He encourages members of the church to reach out and invite others”

Another member states, “Anybody who has the ability to affect such a wide group of people, men and women, young and old, the way that he does deserves to be studied, investigated, and at the very least recognized for his ability to share Jesus with us in such a direct but loving way.”

Pastor Don Vanderlip, serving Flandreau and Sioux Falls Southern Hills United Methodist Churches received Harry Denman Evangelism Award at the 2018 Dakotas Annual Conference session in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 7-9.

The Harry Denman Evangelism Award program honors United Methodists in each annual conference whose exceptional ministry of evangelism – expressed in Word (what), Sign (why), and Deed (how) – brings people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more here

View the plenary session where Pastor Don Vanderlip received the award @ 33 minutes here.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000