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Wesley UMC in Harvey ND leaves a legacy

Wesley United Methodist Church in Harvey, North Dakota closed its doors but opened the doors for future worshiping communities in the Dakotas Conference.  Members of Wesley UMC donated cash gifts totaling $120,000 for congregational development.  

Photo:  Wesley UMC in Harvey, ND as it stands today.  The church is no longing a Methodist worshipping community.  The building was purchased by another denomination worshipping in Harvey.  Photo from Google.

The church in Harvey, North Dakota held the last worship service on May 11, 2014.  The membership had dwindled to 10.  “A lot of churches close because they do not have money.  That was not true for us.  Our numbers just got low.  People moved away, there were no children or young people in our church,” described Roger Loerch, Wesley UMC treasurer.

The church had cash reserves  from the sale of the parsonage, church building, donations and investments.  Rev. Keith Nelson, Sakakawea District Superintendent and Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area visited with the members of the church about the possibility of leaving a legacy gift. 

“We met with the ten remaining members and talked to them about how they might help leave a gift that would be for future generations,” said Keith Nelson.

A special charge conference was held to consider how the funds would be dispersed. Loerch, a longtime member of Wesley UMC addressed the group. “In 1964 when we lost the church to a fire the Conference was there.  They walked beside us.  We should consider how we could help future generations and walk beside them.”

Photo:  A fire destroyed Wesley United Methodist Church in Harvey, ND in 1964.  The church was rebuilt with the help of funds from the Dakotas Conference.  Photo courtesy of Wesley UMC in Harvey, ND.

The members voted to distribute the remaining funds: $50,000 was designated for the 2014 Miracle Offering—funds for the Kenmare Regional Vital Merger in North Dakota, $50,000 for congregational development in the Sakakawea District, and $20,000 for congregational development in the Dakotas Conference.  Wesley UMC created a legacy gift of $120,000 for the growth of worship communities for the future.

“When the check was presented during the closing worship there was an audible gasp.  People were surprised by the amount and excited about what the gift could do in the future,” noted Nelson. 

Photo:  Roger Loerch, Wesley UMC treasurer speaks to those in attendance at the closing worship on May 11, 2014.  Photo courtesy of Wesley UMC, Harvey, ND.

The church members also voted to give funds to the community organizations and agencies in Harvey.  Some of the recipients were the Salvation Army, Harvey Fire Department, library, parks department and the local ambulance service. 

“We thank God for Wesley United Methodist Church in Harvey and the many years of worship and service of the church.  The spirit of the church will live well into the future because of the gracious gift for future congregational development, “ remarked Bishop Ough. 


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000