Fresh Expressions makes space for church leaders and pastors to use both traditional services as well as innovative forms of church to live out Christ’s mission. One does not replace the other, but rather creates a mutual benefit for both—a mixture of what we know as church today.
Why consider a “fresh expression” of church? On any given Sunday, the day that is reserved for worship or church, the majority of people don't participate. The fact is, according to Pew research, about 60% of Americans aren’t going to church. That means the Sunday service, even with attempts at contempory style worship, will only ever attract less than half of the population. Why continue to pour more resources into a form of church that isn't attracting people to walk in the doors?
You can learn more about Fresh Expressions at the 2023 Dakotas Annual Conference, register today. Michael Beck, a Fresh Expressions leader, will be our featured speaker and teacher. Michael cultivates missional innovators in an individual, regional, statewide, and national capacity. He also teaches as an adjunct professor at several educational institutions.