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Youth gather for confirmation retreat

Two confirmation camps recently took place with 100 youth and  20 adults participating. Storm Mountain and Lake Poinsett were full of learning and laughter on November 6-8, 2016.

Photo: Youth listening and learning during the confirmation retreat at Storm Mountain Center. Photo by John Britt.

Over 50 youth and 13 adults gathered at Storm Mountain Center to learn together, to meet new friends, and to grow in faith. As a large group, there were worship times and a few game sessions that were enjoyed.  There were five sessions in church groups where participants worked on stoles that represent their learning. Participants also began work on their personal creed, during the five sessions.

The retreat centered around six teaching sessions where the youth learned about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral and the sacraments of baptism and communion.  Pastors from five different churches presented these lessons. 

Photo: Confirmands and leaders from Pierre First UMC poise with their stoles made during the retreat at Storm Mountain Center. Photo by John Britt.

This year, the churches represented at the retreat were Edgemont, Mitchell First, Mitchell Fusion, Pierre First, Rapid City First, Spearfish, and Winner.

“Thanks to all who came to the retreat this year! As always, we hope to have more churches join us next year,” said Rev. John Britt, coordinator for the camp at Storm Mountain Center.

Lake Poinsett provided learning and fellowship time for 50 plus participants. The time togetherwas led by Adam Davenport of Sioux Falls Asbury UMC.  “It was the biggest turnout we had in the three years that I have been involved,” said Davenport.

Davenport involved confirmation mentors this year.  He recruited high school students from Sioux Falls Asbury to assist with the worship and teaching times.  “The mentors were real troopers,” said Davenport. “They assisted in so many ways and the participants really responded to them. I felt that a good community was being built.”

Topics of the retreat at Lake Poinsett were Methodist history, John Wesley and the social principles. Rev. Kip Roozen, Sioux Falls Asbury led the teaching on social principles. Davenport led the teaching on Methodist history and John Wesley.

Participants enjoyed a board game created by Davenport on John Wesley’s life and times.  Students played in teams of 3-4.  They roll a dice and land on a colored spot.  Players than draw a card of the color they land.  The card gives them a fact or information about John Wesley. For example, John Wesley came to Savannah to reach out to many, move two spaces ahead. 

The churches represented at the confirmation retreat at Lake Poinsett were: Brookings, Carpenter, Huron, Iroquois, Sioux Falls Asbury, Webster, Willow Lake. “I think we wore everyone out. Everyone was ready for bed on Saturday night,” said Davenport.

Davenport will hold a spring confirmation retreat at Lake Poinsett, April 28-29, 201. The focus will be on the sacraments.

There will be a 2017 fall confirmation retreat at Storm Mountain Center and at Lake Poinsett Nov. 3-5, 2017.

Photo: Hanging out in a small group having some fellowship and learning during the confirmation retreat at Storm Mountain Center. Photo by John Britt.


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