A Very Dakotas Christmas 2024: Love Came Down at Christmas
Bishop Lanette Plambeck and the Dakotas Conference Cabinet present this gift of worship to you, "Love Came Down at Christmas: A Very Dakotas Christmas 2024." John 1:14 reminds us that "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." We hear the message of this inbreaking love shared in the words of the familiar hymn:
Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, love divine;
love was born at Christmas, star and angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godhead, love incarnate, love divine;
worship we our Jesus what shall be our sacred sign?
Love shall be our token, love be yours and love be mine;
love to God and neighbour, love for plea and gift and sign.
Our prayer is that you will experience and share this token - this gift - of love that has come down for all of us and for the world.
A Very Dakotas Christmas 2024 is a production of the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church, Rebecca Trefz, assistant to the Bishop for connection and communications, and David Stucke, communications associate. Permission is granted to churches, organizations, and individuals affiliated with The United Methodist Church to use this service in its entirety, or in component parts under CCLI license number: 508082 and CCLI streaming license: CSPL018565.
Access the video portfolio | Download the video of the entire worship service | Download a copy of the Order of Worship | Access graphic | Download a specific section of worship: 01-Prelude, 02-Welcome, 03 and 04-Opening Scripture and Lighting of the Advent and Christ Candles, 05-Call to Worship , 06-Hymn: When Love Came Down, 07-Children's Story, 08-Prayer, 09-Scripture Reading, 10-Response, 11-Song:Until You, 12-Sermon: The Awe-fulness of Christmas, 13-Song: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear/Love Song, 14-Closing Prayer, 15-Hymn: Go, Tell it on the Mountain, 16-Blessing, 17-Postlude and Credits.

Love Came Down at Christmas: A Very Dakotas Christmas 2024
Order of Worship
Prelude— “In the Bleak Midwinter” – Performed by the DWU Bell Choir
Welcome—Bishop Lanette Plambeck, Resident Bishop, Dakotas-Minnesota Area of The United Methodist Church
Opening Scripture - Rev. Brandon Vetter, Southeast District Superintendent
1 John 4:9-10 (CEB): This is how the love of God is revealed to us: God has sent his only Son into the world so that we can live through him. This is love: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins.
Lighting of the Advent and Christ Candles
1. We light the candle of joy. God sent us joy, in Jesus the Christ Child.
Murdo (SD) UMC Youth, SW District
2. We light the candle of love. God sent us love, in Jesus our Savior.
Pastor Charlie Moore, Sioux Falls (SD) Sunnycrest UMC, SE District
3. We light the candle of peace. God sent us peace in Jesus Prince of Peace.
Pastor Taylor Johnson, Moorhead (MN) Grace UMC, NE District
4. We light the candle of hope. God sent us hope In Jesus Redeemer.
Bill Willis family, Bismarck (ND) McCabe UMC, NW District
5. We light the candle of Jesus, God with us. Love came down at Christmas.
Journey Church, Spirit Lake Ministry Center, ND
Call to Worship— Rev. Joel Winckler, Northwest District Superintendent, and Dakotas Cabinet
Leader: Love came down at Christmas, love amazing and divine.
People: We gather to celebrate the gift of love, born for us in Jesus Christ.
Leader: Emmanuel, God's love in human form was sent to us at Christmas.
People: We come to worship the God of love, revealed to us in the humble birth of our Savior.
Leader: Let us worship Love with us, love made real in Christ.
People: With hearts full of awe, we worship Jesus, who brings light and life to all.
Leader: Love shall be our way and guide.
People: As we are loved by God, let us love one another.
All: We worship You, O Christ, the perfect expression of God’s love, sent down to dwell with us. Amen.
Opening Hymn—When Love Came Down at Christmas, performed by the Faulkton (SD) United Church Women’s Choir
Children’s Story — “God Gave Us Christmas” by Lisa Tawn Bergren; art by David Hohn; narrated by Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, Northeast District Superintendent
Prayer—Rev. Joel Winckler, Northwest District Superintendent
Loving God,
We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, born to us at Christmas—your love that came down to dwell among us. Your love is beyond measure, beyond understanding, and yet You give it so freely. As we gather today, we are reminded of that love made real in Jesus Christ. Fill our hearts with your love and help us to live in love so that our words and actions reflect Your grace to the world around us. May we experience the peace, joy, and hope that Your love brings, not just today, but every day. Amen.
Scripture—Matthew 1:18-25 (CEB)
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. When Mary his mother was engaged to Joseph, before they were married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was a righteous man. Because he didn’t want to humiliate her, he decided to call off their engagement quietly. As he was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child she carries was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Now all of this took place so that what the Lord had spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled:
Look! A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son,
And they will call him, Emmanuel. (Emmanuel means “God with us.”)
When Joseph woke up, he did just as an angel from God commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he didn’t have sexual relations with her until she gave birth to a son. Joseph called him Jesus.
Response to the Word—Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, Northeast District Superintendent
Lord let your light shine through us. Let love be our guide. We give You thanks for Your endless love. May our worship be a true reflection of our gratitude and awe. In the name of Jesus, love incarnate, we pray. Amen.
Song—“Until You” - by Danny Gokey, Sung by Pastor Becca Hafner, with Kandy Edwards on piano, Ellendale United / Edgeley Wesley / Jud UMC (ND)
Sermon—“The Awe-fullness of Christmas” Rev. Dan Bader, Southwest District Superintendent (recorded at Storm Mountain Center, Rockerville, SD)
Song–“It Came Upon a Midnight Clear/Love Song”, performed by the Mitchell (SD) Fusion UMC worship team
Closing Prayer—Rev. Brandon Vetter, Southeast District Superintendent
Loving God, we thank You for the gift of love that came down at Christmas in the person of Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the wonder of Your love, we are reminded that You are with us—Emmanuel—present in our lives, offering us grace, peace, and salvation. We stand in awe of Your love, a love that pursued us before we even knew You, a love that sacrificed everything so that we might have life. Strengthen us to share that love with others, reflecting Your grace and compassion in all that we do. Fill us with joy, peace, and gratitude as we leave this place. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Your greatest gift to us. Amen.
Hymn—“Go Tell it on the Mountain”, Keith Shew, DK-MN Area Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries, and Camille Zachrison, Devil’s Lake (ND) UMC; performed in Farwell Chapel, DWU, Mitchell, (SD).
Blessing – Bishop Lanette Plambeck
May the love of God, which came down at Christmas, fill your hearts and guide your steps.
May the love of Christ, who was born to save, inspire you to live in peace, hope, and joy.
And by the power of the Holy Spirit may you share that love with all you meet.
Go now in the peace and love of Christ. Amen
Postlude—"Mary, Did You Know?” Performed by Noah Mutzenberger, Fargo (ND), First UMC